Some hope opposing the electric nightmare?


Legendary Knight
Humans are incredibly inventive and, if they make it harder and harder to buy new ICE vehicles, people will figure out ways to keep existing ones on the road much longer and they will probably figure out alternative ways to fuel them if petrol becomes overly expensive.

If they are allowed to, and ICE vehicles are not just made illegal entirely, which I believe is part of the real agenda... Can't have us plebs being able to travel freely and independently 😒


Legendary Knight
I don't think governments actually want to stop personal travel and they aren't the ones who want to push this ecoshite. They don't really care about fossil fuels and globalwarming they only care about the country functioning reasonable well while they are in power and a mobile population is a major part of that. Very few people nowadays live around the corner from their workplace or work nine to five so independent transport is vital. It's only the idle tossers like Prince Charles and Bill Gates who are trying to play God and even God's can find themselves sent to the scrap heap when their masks slip.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
The Majority are being channelled into a way of life that will only benefit a minority, Lies and dam lies and more lies are sprouted from these minority delusional or blatant schemers every day, and unless the people react they will follow on with their trend and I dont think a change in government is enough to put a stop to things just more lies from a different sauce.


Legendary Knight
I don't foresee any way that an electric car could be part of my life. The purchase cost is outrageous when new, as is a new ICE car. Coupled with the disastrous charging network and battery degradation/depreciation, these are rich man's playthings and not for the likes of me. I have also watched a 3 video series by Teapotone attempting an Ironbutt challenge on an electric bike, purchase price approaching £30.000. I'm feeling almost relieved that at my age, petrol and diesel will probably see me out.


Legendary Knight
Surprise, surprise! 🤣...

BBC News - Electric car drivers to pay road tax from April 2025
Not soon enough . Should have been from the 1st December 2022. Two more years of us plebs subsidising the elite in their electric limousines. ARSE!!!!!!!

half ton

Legendary Knight
I saw a video ad the other day , A company in Canada (i think) were building hydrogen fuelled 360 degree excavators and they had the same BHP and torque figures as their old diesel powered ones ...but without the emissions , Surely a no brainer but Big Brother doesn't want it so they make it as hard as possible to produce them.