Some hope opposing the electric nightmare?

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Not a vehicle but an exploding lithium battery. It's seriously scary shit! I'd never have thought they'd go off like that...

BBC News - Halifax lithium battery house fire footage prompts warning
they are often left charging far too long and then "BANG" The RAF fire service banned service folk living on camp from charging things like vapours as a couple caught fire


Legendary Knight
Two articles about hydrogen combustion engines possibility being available very soon...



Legendary Knight
The problem with Hydrogen as a fuel is getting the Hydrogen first. It has to be done by 'cracking' water using electrolysis (Electricity), Pyrolosis or gasification all of which require energy input and with one type of pyrolosis and one type of gasification requires fossil fuels as the starting point. The simple fact that everyone in the 'Eco' movement is trying very hard to ignore is that globally and probably even on astrological scales, so-called fossil fuels ( although it is now known hat hydrocarbons can exist naturally throughout the universe without the need for decay of living matter and there are even suggestions that some of the Earth's own 'Fossil' fuels actually aren't the result of decay of plant and animal life) and so the logical conclusion is that we should be continuing to use fossil fuels and seeking a way to clean up the waste products rather than trying to hide the fuel further down the supply chain and fool people that they are being eco friendly by using alternative fuels in vehicles.


Legendary Knight
Thinking about it it's kind of bizarre that we have literally been gifted a fuel that was millions or even billions of years in the making, almost as if it was put there for us to use, and we, due to our poor handling of that resource are now looking to abandon it for airy fairy 'green' ideas that are all smoke and mirrors. Windmills, Solar Panels etc. are all rather novel but cost more in materials and energy to produce than the worth of the electricity they generate and, without massive subsidies would be completely unviable. The one other great source of energy of course is nuclear but that will never sit right with the Eco mob either and, while great for generating electricity isn't ideal for small vehicles.


Legendary Knight
Thinking about it it's kind of bizarre that we have literally been gifted a fuel that was millions or even billions of years in the making, almost as if it was put there for us to use, and we, due to our poor handling of that resource are now looking to abandon it for airy fairy 'green' ideas that are all smoke and mirrors. Windmills, Solar Panels etc. are all rather novel but cost more in materials and energy to produce than the worth of the electricity they generate and, without massive subsidies would be completely unviable. The one other great source of energy of course is nuclear but that will never sit right with the Eco mob either and, while great for generating electricity isn't ideal for small vehicles.

And it's all for a bollox cause. The earth is colder than it has been for most of its history, we are in a CO2 drought compared with most of earth history, mans influence on climate is negligible, air quality is better and cleaner than it has been for decades. The irony is the greenies whinge about CO2, but increased CO2 is good for plants, trees and most of life on earth, and the earth has been greening as a result with increased crop yields, and areas of desert now becoming green and supporting plant life.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
And it's all for a bollox cause. The earth is colder than it has been for most of its history
Had to use the bus today for a hospital appointment (cos I wasn't allowed to drive afterwards)
Got to the bus stop at the same time as a couple of OAP's. The old fella struck up a conversation with me about how an inch of snow brings the country to a grinding halt. It wasn't like that when he was a lad etc etc.
I quipped that today's snow is a result of global warming. He laughed as did his wife.

But some tw@t with blue hair who was obviously dressed by a gas explosion in a charity shop. Said my quip was far from amusing & I should educate myself about the global climate crisis!

Before I got a chance to answer. The old fella chipped in with..."Oh FFS, get a grip of yourself darlin. It was just a joke"...

I don't know what she was most offended by. But I reckon it was probably being called darlin 🤣
Or possibly me laughing & giving the old fella a high five 🤔 😉

Don the Don

Legendary Knight


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I'll have a sportsmans bet with ya'll.
This was caused by overloading the building with heavy EV's that the building wasn't originally designed to accommodate. But will that info.ever be made public? 🤔...

BBC News - One dead in NYC multi-storey car park collapse


Legendary Knight
I'll have a sportsmans bet with ya'll.
This was caused by overloading the building with heavy EV's that the building wasn't originally designed to accommodate. But will that info.ever be made public? 🤔...

BBC News - One dead in NYC multi-storey car park collapse

What I find most disturbing about this is they are trying to present the robot dog as being some kind of helpful tool for the good of mankind.

When this is what I suspect might be its intended actual use in the future, when the masses wake up and take to the streets to reject authoritarian rule 😒



Legendary Knight
What I find most disturbing about this is they are trying to present the robot dog as being some kind of helpful tool for the good of mankind.

When this is what I suspect might be its intended actual use in the future, when the masses wake up and take to the streets to reject authoritarian rule 😒

Someone agrees with my thinking...



The Peace Keeper
Staff member
What I find most disturbing about this is they are trying to present the robot dog as being some kind of helpful tool for the good of mankind.

When this is what I suspect might be its intended actual use in the future, when the masses wake up and take to the streets to reject authoritarian rule 😒

Just turn it over in its back & pull its front legs apart. If that fails, apparently a finger in the anus works a treat?

Just to clarify, I'm talking about the dogs anus. Although the sight of you dropping your kegs & fingering your chocolate starfish. May confuse robot dog long enough for the rest of us to escape to higher ground? 😃


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Not only is this a great video reference EV's from the perspective of a guy who has tried one & experienced the enormous pitfalls.
I regularly watch his YouTube channel featuring ICE vehicles. As it's genuinely informative & entertaining...
