I loved Life On Mars so much Don. That Mrs DD purchased me the DVD box set.Yes but a tear comes to my eyes everytime I watch an episode of Life on Mars or 70's classics, must draw the line at BL Alegros and Princes motors mind
At the time I thought the gift was a bit odd as I'd only just finished watching it.
However, many years later the DVD's are still in their cellophane wrapper. And it's about time I watched them again mate

On the subject of 70's Coppering. The husband of my Mums best mate got a commendation for taking a sawn-off shotgun off a guy that was threatening to shoot anyone that came within 6 feet of him.
The press coverage in the local paper made the Cop (a detective) sound like a real hero.
The truth was, he'd come out of the pub & the guy with the sawn-off was between him & where his car was parked.
After the perp was arrested apparently he was treated to a Life On Mars style kicking back at the station.
That kinda 70's Policing definitely had its faults. Especially if you were a person of colour. But normal folk had genuine respect for Cops back then. Therefore they were able to do their job without having to walk on eggshells