Holy Shit
Legendary Knight
I hope you’re right although the Ukrainians need to take out the Ruski artillery.The problem is that unless taken out by his own people,mad Vlad the bad will have to resort to more desperate measures,unless the west are getting their message through to the Russian people in which case as I suspect many are hoping,there is an implosion from within.I just feel waves of nausea at the blatant attempts to manipulate opinion with all this Churchillian guff. You can bet your bottom dollar the Biden's commercial interests are being looked after unlike the apparent confusion between State and DoD over Polish MIGs never mind stories of more off-shored biolabs and **** knows what else.
My abiding worry is that we have so many shitheads at the controls from a beleaguered Putin via a Bonking Boris to White House senility with shirt arse Macron capering to keep up relevance for his own re-election campaign and a whole Bundestag & Rat of bought & sold mini oil & gas sheiks.
I pray they have the wit to let Putin flounder and founder without intervening in a way that reconfigures the entire shooting match and brings the Russian people in behind him..... Russia simply cannot occupy Ukraine if they keep resisting. They have neither the troops nor the wonga.