It solves nothing though, doe's it. A select few, grab most, if not all, of the money, and live like kings on it. Most of the countries are backwards, tribal societies, who are perfectly happy to slaughter each other with machette's, for no reason, other than they are a different tribe. They have been receiving £billions every year, for all of my lifetime, and fuck all has changed. Apart from them all making their way over here now. Mass sterilisation, is what is needed,
At the risk of going waaay off topic I’m afraid most of that simply isn’t true Mick, none of those Southern Hemisphere Countries are backwards (Africa, South America, Southern Asia) and if you visited any of their capitols you would be hard pressed to see much of a difference between them and any European Capitol, where they do suffer is in development of basic infrastructure whether transport and communication links or health care and education within the interior of the Country that is accessible by the majority of the population
Mass movement of populations is driven by three events, drought, famine, or war apart from those people tend not to move from their homeland and universally are worried about the same issues - enough food on the table, dry shelter, access to health care, access to education
In fact exactly the same things we worry about!
And I can assure you no one anywhere is wandering around slaughtering anyone with machete’s for no reason anywhere (except the likes of ISIS who don’t really count because they’re a sect not a Country)
Whilst our aid budget goes some way to supporting development of internal infrastructures notably health and education it also funds a lot of advocacy work to convince governments that democracy is a valid way of administering a Country
No true democracy has ever suffered a famine because it’s government ensures it’s populace is provided for
Having said all of that corruption is the elephant in the room and a lot of advocacy work is directed at addressing that particular issue even to extent that many Humanitarians advocate withholding aid to particularly corrupt Governments in the hope that the populace will overthrow them