What Are You Drinking Tonight?


Legendary Knight
This contains 444 standard bottles.
You could clean every drain for miles around with it 😉

That's a bio hazard, a weapon of mass destruction. ☢️


Legendary Knight
Was I correct in saying that Jameson is a poor relation to the other two?

In my very short experience I wouldn't say its a poor relation, it is just that the others are better. Bushmills gets better each time, at first I favoured Tullamore, but after subsequent tastings Bushmills wins for me. Jameson has a great aroma which doesn't quite translate to the taste, but its still very drinkable IMO 😋


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
In my very short experience I wouldn't say its a poor relation, it is just that the others are better. Bushmills gets better each time, at first I favoured Tullamore, but after subsequent tastings Bushmills wins for me. Jameson has a great aroma which doesn't quite translate to the taste, but its still very drinkable IMO 😋
Excellent! 🙂
As I said to you the other day. I can't say which brand is "best". I can only say which brand I prefer.

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
I don't drink nowadays.... But..

I once bought a very expensive bottle of Glefarclas, knowing it would go up in value. Was living with the parents at the time... It was always very hot in my room, so I put it in the drinks cabinet, in a box, sealed.

Saw the price go up, thought time to sell, went to get it out... Box opened, seal gone on bottle, and about 1/8th down the bottle.

So... "Mother! Who's been at this bottle?" "Oh, I put some in cousin Ethels tea the other week when it was cold."

In TEA! Fer fux sake. So I sat and drank the friggen lot.

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
I do remember them opening the wrong tap at Grants Distillery near Girvan... Emptied quite a lot of neat spirit straight into the sea. They did Grouse there I think.
Now, if you drink grouse, stop reading now. The Penwhapple reservoir was just over the hill from our house, and was used as the main supply for Grants. I have pissed in that reservoir hundreds if times. As did our dog.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
@DD67 talked me into trying this. View attachment 17090
Is that a feckin half sized bottle Ashurst?!? 🧐

Anyway, despite the fact that you may have purchased a childs size bottle? 🙄
What's the verdict? If you like it (as someone who hates Scotch like Scrappy does) I'll chalk it up as another massive win for proper whiskey 🤗

But I'm not holding my breath. I reckon your hatred of Scotch could run too deep to enjoy Irish? 🤔