What have you done to your bike today....

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Rode back from Cornwall.

Mucho plotting of weather forecasts and traffic levels before departing meant only light drizzle up to Exeter and not too much traffic approaching Bristol - @250 miles in 4 hours + snack and fuel break.

Returned to find Hermes had thrown my new error code reader over fence in our absence despite it being small enough to have gone through the letterbox - so checking it works and playing with the Daytona later.

The poor GS, does all the work but gets none of the attention!



Forum Duck
I could never be 'posh' as I hate cucumbers! It ain't even just that I don't like them it's that even the smell of the feckers makes me gag and if I even tried to eat one I'd puke. Same goes for lettuce, it makes me physically sick. Even if someone gave me something that has touched cut cucumber or that they have handled after handling cucumber will make me gag even if I don't know that cucumber has been involved. Folks say it has almost no smell or taste but I can smell it a mile away and it tastes really strong and nasty to me. I guess I have a natural intolerance for it.
Salad is for pussies...
Real men eat red meat...
Or fresh young pussies 😉🦆

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Did my Dad Dawdle down to Moffat, up to Innerleithen then home via Peebles.

Moffat & Peebles full of tourists but the roads between mercifully quiet.

EXCEPT TallPaul for logging trucks South of the Grey Mare’s Tail. Must have met 10-12 fully laden oncoming and taking up 65% of the available carriageway (it’s about 1.5 lanes wide for the most part). Slightly overcast in places but warm and humid. The Glen Cafe at St Mary’s Loch was pretty quiet too. Paddle-boarders but not a single bike.

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Another glorious jaunt up to the smoke in the sunshine this morning (y)

And added bonus am getting 58mpg on a run of 30 miles back roads 20 miles dual carriageway/motorway and 20 miles inner city
Annoyingly the 20 miles inner city takes about the same time as the rest of the journey:cautious:

If I could avoid the city I’d be at around 67 mpg which is pretty darn good from a 1200 twin:D


Legendary Knight
Another glorious jaunt up to the smoke in the sunshine this morning (y)

And added bonus am getting 58mpg on a run of 30 miles back roads 20 miles dual carriageway/motorway and 20 miles inner city
Annoyingly the 20 miles inner city takes about the same time as the rest of the journey:cautious:

If I could avoid the city I’d be at around 67 mpg which is pretty darn good from a 1200 twin:D
That sounds astounding! I used to get 30 out of my gixxer, never worked out the consumption on the Z in the fifteen years I had it but got mid forties out of the blade. The trip does about 40 odd I think so your 60ish is fantastic 👍

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Well yesterday after my ride, there was nothing wrong with the fuses or the OBD codes.

Today I did the same, a nice 60 miles, only this time I had the headlight on.

Again nothing wrong with the fuses or error codes.

Next will be banging it off the rev limiter to see if that kicks of the engine management light, as it has in the past, to see what happens then.

Today was even nicer out than yesterday and I encountered a bit less traffic too.

I opened all the vents and flaps on my Alpinestars - getting proper summer out there :)

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