What have you done to your bike today....


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Nice scenery... apart from WTF is that wrapped around the lamp posts? 😲
It's Jockistan Scrappy. They need to get their kicks wherever they can. If climbing lamp posts keeps them occupied & reduces the amount of inbreeding? Then it can't be a bad thing mate.
The razor wire will be there to eliminate the exceptional stupid ones from the communal gene pool 😉


Forum Duck
Gave it away?!?!?!?
After all the cash you threw at it for new parts 😳
Had to go...someone is interested in it as possibly a project..If it ain't suitable I told them to take it to the breakers yard..if they get a few quid for it good luck to them...
My life as never been about making loads of money..just enough for a roof over my head and a bit of food on a plate and that's all I really ever hope for in life..The rest is a bonus if it happens...👍🦆