What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
Did they find what was making a noise at the front?
I did mention it before they took it but they haven't said anything and I won't see the paperwork until I finish at 1900hrs this evening back at the depot..
If nothing is mentioned I will have another quick look tonight and blast the calipers with some brake cleaner..
I'm up at 0400hrs tomorrow so ain't got much time for anything else...🦆


Forum Duck
I was trying to work out how come the MOT had expired? 🤔
You purchased it 04/5/21 (I remember because that's international Star Wars day)
It had a short MOT, but not a matter of a few days.
I told you when it could be tested early to end up with 13 months. But you took it in the day before I said. By doing so, you lost a month not gained one.

It took all of my memory capacity & both of my brain cells to work that out 🙂
Had to do it earlier cos of work and wife commitments at the time but that's definitely how I fucked up 🦆


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
It's your mate's ZZR1400, that was crash damaged, and to get it past the wife you've come up with this cunning plan of passing it off as a donor for a kit car, then when it arrives, you'll be saying to Mrs DD that its too nice to sacrifice for a toy car 😜
He wants £6500 for that.
I'm looking to spend less than half that amount if possible?
It did cross my mind though Scrappy. There's so many extremely valuable parts on that bike that I wouldn't req.
Basically I'd only need the engine/gearbox, exhaust manifold, throttle bodies, ECU, wiring harness & instruments.

I reckon that selling the remaining parts would easily fetch £4,000+.

But the plan is to purchase a bike to ride occasionally after a Streetfighter makeover. With the back up plan of using it as a donor for a kit car build.
I wouldn't last a week on a ZZR1400. Let alone live long enough to build another kit car! 😳

Talking of kit cars. There's a real crap looking TR1KE (aka an ASBO) on Ebay...

Check out that sellers other items for sale. He's got dozens of really cool vehicles 🙂
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Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Like others I thought to take advantage of this burst of glorious weather. I had completely forgotten it was the annual Tweeddale GP
With a near endless run of tractors and lunatic overtakes. I decided to watch a procession that only F1 can match. Then I did some light bend swinging (What?!)

Before getting splattered by the evening Mayfly hatch coming back along the Tweed.

Thunderstorms forecast for today. ⚡