What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Legendary Knight
Bloody Boris shifting Portugal into the "amber zone". Our September club holiday is now cancelled due to "uncertainty". We all paid our deposits in 2019 for this trip in 2020 and now we are bounced a second time due to the fat clown taking advice from a puddle of "experts".

Sorry about your holiday mate. Its appalling and unfair, Boris and his cronies will have their holidays no doubt :rolleyes:


Legendary Knight
I can't find it but I might give northumbria police lady one if I was bored one Wednesday afternoon had no where to go and it was raining 😳

After June 22nd the NHS can use your confidential medical data for "planning" and "research" unless you opt out (use the link below), but this does not cover Covid related uses for which they can still use your confidential data :mad:



Forum Duck
After June 22nd the NHS can use your confidential medical data for "planning" and "research" unless you opt out (use the link below), but this does not cover Covid related uses for which they can still use your confidential data :mad:

What kind of research and what they planning???


Forum Duck
If the NHS want to use my DNA to create a master race of hybrid super human ducks I'm all for it..
If they want to use my DNA or need a sperm donation to create a master race of proper English blokes im all for it..
Anything else though and I'm a bit suspicious as to them being up to no good 🧐


Legendary Knight
Unfortunately I think there are possibly a lot of people who have become quite comfortable working from home/furloughed , doing all their shopping online and quietly going about their everyday business under the radar who may well be happy to see Lockdown continue then you have those who are simply scared and unwilling to come back out of their caves for fear it all kicks off again and they bite the dust. Basically a lot of people have become 'shut-ins'. On the other hand the swarms of cars clogging the roads between Argyll and Glasgow on Monday would seem to suggest that an awful lot of people in Glasgow totally ignored the fact that they are classed as at a higher level and supposedly forbidden from travelling outside Glasgow for recreational purposes. There is no doubt though that, for a variety of reasons there are people who are perfectly happy being in lockdown and having a perfect excuse to not leave home. I think that Boris and his chums have little control over it as, if they don't follow what the media tell them is the correct way to handle things they will be crucified and people are all too ready to turn on them. I remember very well how, only just having elected them into parliament a few months previous people were trying to crucify them because they were wanting to pursue a Herd Immunity strategy and then, a few months later the same media and people were crucifying them for changing and pursuing a Lockdown and every so often people still bring up allegations that they wanted to pursue a 'reckless' Herd Immunity approach and claiming that Boris was prepared to 'let the bodies pile up'. If the people had actually backed the government more strongly in the first place and told the media where to go when they tried to dictate how things were going to play out we may have never had a lockdown in the first place.

We are being controlled now not by the government but by the Media and the chattering classes who invent the grievances like BLM, LGBTQ++XYZ and all the other things that the media then force into law.

I have to say that, as time goes by I become less and less interested in who wants to control me and the myriad of conspiracy theories swirling about. They can take whatever shit they can dig up on me and welcome to it. I simply don't care anymore as life is already too short and get's shorter at a speed of sixty seconds per minute.
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Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Pandemic, fuck off... climate change, fuck off... green agenda, fuck off... electric vehicles, fuck off... new world order, fuck off... globalists, fuck off... backwards religious cults, fuck off. In the words of the Angelic Upstarts, just go away leave me alone, fuck off and leave me, go away leave me alone!
Away you go @Scrappy could not put it better myself,

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Away you go @Scrappy could not put it better myself,
How many of us seriously believe the 💩 we are fed about ‘the latest crisis’? I take every opportunity to publicly refute the nonsense from masks to CO2 levels. It’s a belief system to herd us. It’s got eff all to do with objective, balanced science.

And Sturgeon’s head nodding is like a flashing hazard light for the latest outpouring of utter keech (most recently the state of SNP finances).

Holy Shit

Legendary Knight
How many of us seriously believe the 💩 we are fed about ‘the latest crisis’? I take every opportunity to publicly refute the nonsense from masks to CO2 levels. It’s a belief system to herd us. It’s got eff all to do with objective, balanced science.

And Sturgeon’s head nodding is like a flashing hazard light for the latest outpouring of utter keech (most recently the state of SNP finances).
Having studied history recently,there is no doubt that those at the “top” have always lied to “their “ people in order to satisfy their own agendas.The difference now is that an increasing number of us don’t believe most of what they say.
Unfortunately the herd is still theirs for the taking.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Ok Einstein,wise me up!
We have an old saying down here in the dark ages,”thee casn’t ejucate pork”
I’m no Einstein but the old adage about evil prospering when good men do nothing applies. When people are fat and happy (furlough?) they accept all sorts of things unquestioningly. I just make a point of posing the awkward questions and making sure my consent cannot be assumed. Basically it’s about encouraging debate and active democracy. Or, as I said to my kids, ‘Don’t be a sheep. Given the choice, act the goat,’


Legendary Knight
I've just seen these Lee Rigby football shirts, being worn by a couple of non league teams...



If non league teams can have some honour and respect, why the fuck do the English national and premier league teams still take the knee and why did they wear shirts supporting Marxist violent thugs, when they should support and honour those who really do deserve some respect, like Lee Rigby.


Holy Shit

Legendary Knight
I’m no Einstein but the old adage about evil prospering when good men do nothing applies. When people are fat and happy (furlough?) they accept all sorts of things unquestioningly. I just make a point of posing the awkward questions and making sure my consent cannot be assumed. Basically it’s about encouraging debate and active democracy. Or, as I said to my kids, ‘Don’t be a sheep. Given the choice, act the goat,’
I’m no Einstein but the old adage about evil prospering when good men do nothing applies. When people are fat and happy (furlough?) they accept all sorts of things unquestioningly. I just make a point of posing the awkward questions and making sure my consent cannot be assumed. Basically it’s about encouraging debate and active democracy. Or, as I said to my kids, ‘Don’t be a sheep. Given the choice, act the goat,
Unfortunately evil has always prospered,what we miss now,more than anything ,is dear old common sense and the understanding of the difference between right and wrong.


Legendary Knight
I really don't see a great unseen hand controlling everybody like a puppet master. What I see is a country and even a Western world that has allowed itself to be made to 'take a knee' to every kind of minority and ride roughshod over the majority because the 'leaders' have lost the power and confidence in support needed to rule their countries properly. A lot of gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands went on about Trump but the reality is that, if you study his time in office he managed to achieve feck all simply because he wasn't the tyrant that the media Faeces book, Twatter and the Democrats made him out to be and was thwarted by the Democrats and the courts in the USA at every turn. For all her faults I doubt Margaret Thatcher would ever have allowed half of the things that have happened to happen. She understood as did Churchill, the need for a firm hand in government that wouldn't bend before media pressure or allow itself to be thwarted by the courts in the pocket of the opposition. The people of the West have been divided into ever smaller groups squabbling with each other over press coverage and having laws made for people who really don't matter in the grand scheme. Let's face it, none of us really matter to the world at large. It will go even if we don't from the top to the bottom. I mean who really cares if some men want to have their genitals cut off or dress as women and yet a fortune in time and money has been expended pandering to their whims and trying to make them feel 'normal' but, as the advert says "What is normal?" and who really cares.

Basically what I am trying to say is that I don't see some grand plan of control but rather a whole shower of different varieties of little shits all fighting over their share of control and press coverage and the ordinary guy in the street being ignored because he's too boring to bother with.