Old Nick
Legendary Knight
The problem Marty is the mainstream is no longer the mainstream, it is many disfunctional groups lumped under the one banner with few views in common, each trying to get its snout in the troughVery little makes sense now and the 'conservatives' (and I don't mean the political party) who were traditionally the voice of reason and rationality seem to have been silenced by the 'mainstream' who are revelling in the insanity of it all.
Classic example is your own SNP and Greens in the Scottish parliament - you are going to have Green policies in place that you didn’t vote for so that the SNP can get its majority to push for another referendum - Now both parties will implement their main policies that no majority voted for and will call themselves mainstream
Whatever happened to good old common sense?
I am beginning to warm to the idea of censorship of all communications and social media including banning the internet - Stalin and Chairman Mao might have had a point