What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Very little makes sense now and the 'conservatives' (and I don't mean the political party) who were traditionally the voice of reason and rationality seem to have been silenced by the 'mainstream' who are revelling in the insanity of it all.
The problem Marty is the mainstream is no longer the mainstream, it is many disfunctional groups lumped under the one banner with few views in common, each trying to get its snout in the trough

Classic example is your own SNP and Greens in the Scottish parliament - you are going to have Green policies in place that you didn’t vote for so that the SNP can get its majority to push for another referendum - Now both parties will implement their main policies that no majority voted for and will call themselves mainstream

Whatever happened to good old common sense?

I am beginning to warm to the idea of censorship of all communications and social media including banning the internet - Stalin and Chairman Mao might have had a point :oops:

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Referenda are reserved to Westminster. There is no legal constitutional route to one without WM consent. Furthermore, wildcat or approved, they’d lose. The economic fox for their case got shot!

You mentioned Stalin. He said, in effect, what counts is not the number of votes but who counts them. Just look at cancel culture in the US with Big Tech suppression of opinion on the major platforms. The MSM aren’t exactly promoting this story either…..

No idea how much credence to lend to it but I don’t think the Biden election victory is looking any healthier than him!

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
I agree with you @Old Nick but I have to say that I would rather you hadn't used the words "your own SNP and Greens" as I didn't vote for the buggers and, if they were all due to be executed I would happily volunteer to be their bloody (and I mean Bloody) executioner. As part of what is wrong with the modern world they thoroughly deserve it.
Apologies @MartytheMartian when I said yours I meant Scotland’s SNP and Green party’s
Clearly if they had been your party’s Marty you would have introduced them to those nice people at EXIT in Sweden by now :D


Forum Duck
Also I've had to come back inside as the ex missus keeps walking by using her stupid voice to command my two German shepherds which I can no longer have anything to do with..
She's trying to get a reaction so when we go court she can say what a bastard I am...I ain't giving her the satisfaction...
How I long for the days where you just had to say " she's a witch " and all your problems were solved 👍🦆

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Have you tried on top of your head.....thats where I usually find my glasses when I lose them
Speaking of glasses, reminded me of an incident in the 80's, in a rush to get home I set off and a few miles down the road I automatically went to push the bridge of my glasses up on my nose as this pair always slid down only to feel that I had no glasses on, pulled over and lo and behold they were still wedged on the clocks were I put them while I put my lid on, "Twat" I thought