What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Legendary Knight
My old Dad the Min of Ag vet was utterly opposed to EEC slaughter regulation where ‘big is beautiful’ and you could transport animals unwatered for many hours. He was scathing about the welfare standards we were signing up to way below our own both for welfare and infection control.
He always sourced meat carefully. Chickens off the farm that I had to pluck and dress but he preferred butchers that slaughtered their own very close to the farm of origin….. not least because adrenaline production in the minutes before slaughter ruins the ageing process and quality in an otherwise decent carcass. Over regulation is actually the enemy of quality and welfare but it’s what the big money wants to drown out the smaller players who show up their produc.
We could tell which side of the farm on which a rabbit had been shot because down one hedgerow there was a load of wild garlic so the rabbits pre-seasoned themselves for the pot!

Once we knew that, we planted loads of mint in a field, and moved the lambs to that field for a couple of weeks before they visited the abattoir in order to ‘finish off’. We never needed to sell our lamb, because we had a list of customers and demand exceeded supply!


Forum Duck
This is the bit that actually got my attention and pissed me off..I've heard a lot lately about U.S soldiers returning from Afghanistan and being demobbed or dishonourably discharged for refusing the covid19 vaccination...Any mil or ex mil personnel know anything on the subject...🦆


Legendary Knight
View attachment 9718
This is the bit that actually got my attention and pissed me off..I've heard a lot lately about U.S soldiers returning from Afghanistan and being demobbed or dishonourably discharged for refusing the covid19 vaccination...Any mil or ex mil personnel know anything on the subject...🦆
In Iraq we were ordered to take NAPS and BATS tablets, I chucked mine away,


Legendary Knight
View attachment 9717

Thoughts and opinions..
Personally I really like the logo design😉🦆

Not sure about "Nazification" but definately "Communistification". All our public organisations, education, main stream media, major charities, civil service are infested with Commies IMO, it has been a slow process that has been going on for years, and has accelerated massively due to the use of so many quangos being involved in government either directly or indirectly, being so called advisors who are now largely political activists IMO.


Legendary Knight
I made a deliberate decision not to take them unless/until we had a confirmed nerve agent attack. I reckoned the chances of me being under the first one were pretty slim!
And knowing what we know now it was never going to happen. I'm sure we were told that if you injected yourself with the combi pen if you thought you had come under a nerve agent attack and you hadn't the injection would kill you, or did I dream it.


Legendary Knight
This is full of double standards & bullshit.
But it really starts to unravel after 7 mins.
Talk about do as they say, not as they do! 😏

What pisses me off is that none of these presenters/reporters do sufficient research, and they accept the consensus that there is a climate emergency. When there is no real evidence to support global warming, and more evidence to show an overall cooling. There are no more extreme weather events than there has ever been, and far less people now die from extreme weather events than previously. There is no real evidence to support the idea that CO2 causes climate change or warming, yes CO2 is technically a "green house gas" but there is so little of it in our atmophere 0.04% that it can't be responsible for any noticable temperature change, and that changes in CO2 occur on average 600 to 800 years after a change in temperature, and historically the temperature has decreased whilst CO2 was rising.

The woman in the video mentions food shortages because of climate change, but in truth the world has been greening with more plant life, and higher food production, and a reduction in global temperatures would result in lower food yeilds, a significant drop in temperature would cause famine like occured in the Little Ice Age. Plus meat is the most efficient form of nutrient, but these lunatics want us all to change to vegetables, grains and carbs, which requires more farmland for production, requires you to eat more to get the same levels of nutrients, and causes diabetes and cancer.

We are being lied to by governments, corporations, and all these idiot activists... as I've said before, I'm sure they are trying to kill us all.


Legendary Knight
The 'extinction rebellion', like BLM, the LGBTQXYZ++--etc. etc. movement and even the whole host of consipracy theories are all symptoms and not the cause. The cause is the breakdown of society across the developed world. Anyone can now create a 'cause' or develop a 'theory' and have a horde of lost souls flock to their banner no matter how lunatic, nonsensical or stupid their 'cause'. There is no cohesion, unity or leadership at all to actually bring people together in unity. The true fall of a civilisation by all the standards demonstrated in history.

Very little makes sense now and the 'conservatives' (and I don't mean the political party) who were traditionally the voice of reason and rationality seem to have been silenced by the 'mainstream' who are revelling in the insanity of it all.


Legendary Knight
I was planning to MOT my Triumph Sprint RS this week but then I was thinking that I would have to pay tax for the whole of August even though there is only a sixth of the month left. I know it ain't that much in real world terms but it still pisses me off that the government want me to pay tax on vehicle useage that I haven't had. Surely in this day and age, when it's all done online and there ain't no tax disc to use as an excuse for grabbing money they ain't owed, Vehicle tax should be based on the date you tax the vehicle and not the month. Robbin' bastard Tax man.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I was planning to MOT my Triumph Sprint RS this week but then I was thinking that I would have to pay tax for the whole of August even though there is only a sixth of the month left. I know it ain't that much in real world terms but it still pisses me off that the government want me to pay tax on vehicle useage that I haven't had. Surely in this day and age, when it's all done online and there ain't no tax disc to use as an excuse for grabbing money they ain't owed, Vehicle tax should be based on the date you tax the vehicle and not the month. Robbin' bastard Tax man.
Apparently they make millions from the fact road tax is no longer transferable to the new owner if you sell a vehicle. Basically they get paid twice if you sell it mid month.
Gone are the days of adverts stating X months MOT & Y months tax remaining. Yet you'll still see adverts on Ebay etc with such content. Presumably posted by older folk?

Being a relatively old bugger myself but being aware of the new road tax rules . When I was negotiating the deal on Mrs DD's Merc. The dealer wanted to do the deal on the 25th of the month. I suggested we wait 6 days to avoid me paying for a months tax when 25 days had already passed.
Then the dealer reminded me that it's only £30 a year! 🤔 🥴 🧐