What's the craic then @MICK 56?I dont ever intend paying some cunt., so that i can say what i want. lt cost my forefathers more than enough. for that priveledge. Those that dissagree, or seek to profit from it, can meet me outside the pub.
Are you gonna observe a few sensible rules to protect this forum for yourself & the rest of us? This forum was created because we'd had enough of the deluded leftie take on life.
The guys on here definitely aren't racists. They simply don't like the way other non indigenous people are given an un equal status over the indigenous population of the UK.
In my opinion, that makes us sensible Patriots, not racists. It also makes our opinions fit with most of your opinions. But we don't voice those opinions in the way you do & for obvious reasons.
Are you happy to get banned from yet another forum Mick?
You don't have to change your views. You just need to not air all of them on here quite so graphically. Not because we may not agree. It's because the woke folk that you & us hate. Will use your comments against you/us!
I honestly believe that you'll struggle to find a better un-woke forum. If you can, please let us know about it mate