I have very lightly edited Mick's post. Still retaining his subject matter, and mood I hope. But slightly less potentially offensive.
I was invited onto this forum, with the understanding, that it was somewhere different . I took that to mean that i wasnt going to be strangled by political correctness, or anything else. It Seems like i was misled, and this just another mainstream bullshit group, that allows itself to controlled. I am genuinely sorry to see that i was wrong. Who makes money out of this group, and what crap did they sign up for, in order to make it Either way, it aint for me.He's only asking you to remove the terminology that could get the forum into bother Mick.
He's not asking you to remove the entire post.
Truth be known, he & others probably agree with most of what you said.
But there's a world of difference between a conversation in the pub. And what's acceptable to post on other a public forum.
Being different does not mean we are immune to the outside world and their views on things. If you are such a prima donna that you cannot see the possible damage some terms could do to this forum and ruin it for every other member, then jog on.I was invited onto this forum, with the understanding, that it was somewhere different . I took that to mean that i wasnt going to be strangled by political correctness, or anything else. It Seems like i was misled, and this just another mainstream bullshit group, that allows itself to controlled. I am genuinely sorry to see that i was wrong. Who makes money out of this group, and what crap did they sign up for, in order to make it Either way, it aint for me.
I was invited onto this forum, with the understanding, that it was somewhere different . I took that to mean that i wasnt going to be strangled by political correctness, or anything else. It Seems like i was misled, and this just another mainstream bullshit group, that allows itself to controlled. I am genuinely sorry to see that i was wrong. Who makes money out of this group, and what crap did they sign up for, in order to make it Either way, it aint for me.
Thanks Marty, and Scrappy, very eloquently put.The problem @MICK 56 is that, while no-one makes money out of this site and it's not beholding to anyone the service provider where it is published can withdraw the hosting if some passer by sees and reports what can be considered language that is against the law in the modern United Kingdom and the person who created the site can find themselves in trouble if they allow what can be construed to be 'offensive' things to be published not to mention the moderators and the founder of the site.
Unfortunately in modern Britain 'freedom of speech' has limits which we all have to abide by and so we have to be wise enough to share our thoughts without saying things that actually contravene the laws of the land and can land people in trouble. A forum is like a pub but where every conversation is recorded and visible for anyone to see and there are people, notably from another forum of which you are aware as well as passers by who would like nothing better than to bring our forum to the attention of the 'authorities' in order to satisfy a sadistic streak or just to 'get their own back'.
You comply, and get steam rollered over then son, I choose not to,No one on here is criticising your opinion Mick, or denying you from expressing your opinion, and many will agree. However you have to be aware that there are now authoritarian laws in the UK which could land yourself and the forum in shite, so you do have to choose your use of language in a public place carefully. With the justice system the way it currently is in the UK, it only needs some external snowflake to "take offence" and the shit hits the fan. Its crap and no one likes it, but that is the reality of 21st century Britain... until we vote out the current cesspool and get someone decent in power.
Fully aware of the situation. Just aint having any of it mate .Lookout for yourself nipperI have added a little piece to the bottom of the post now @Public Enemy just to illustrate the risks involved and which have been involved for a long time now.
You comply, and get steam rollered over then son, I choose not to,
I dont ever intend paying some cunt., so that i can say what i want. lt cost my forefathers more than enough. for that priveledge. Those that dissagree, or seek to profit from it, can meet me outside the pub.You might then want to consider joining the Free Speech Union ...it ain't cheap, but you might need them if you ain't going to comply, unless you have very deep pockets to defend yourself.
Home – The Free Speech Union
Free speech is the bedrock on which all our other freedoms rest, yet it is currently in greater peril than at any time since the Second World War. The Free Speech Union is a non-partisan, mass-membership public interest body that stands up for the speech rights of its members.freespeechunion.org
Mick stop being a wankerI was invited onto this forum, with the understanding, that it was somewhere different . I took that to mean that i wasnt going to be strangled by political correctness, or anything else. It Seems like i was misled, and this just another mainstream bullshit group, that allows itself to controlled. I am genuinely sorry to see that i was wrong. Who makes money out of this group, and what crap did they sign up for, in order to make it Either way, it aint for me.
I reckon the vast majority of us would agree with most of your take on racial inequality if you're white. As Mosley accurately predicted...."The black man will have the whip hand"... That is now the case.I was invited onto this forum, with the understanding, that it was somewhere different . I took that to mean that i wasnt going to be strangled by political correctness, or anything else. It Seems like i was misled, and this just another mainstream bullshit group, that allows itself to controlled. I am genuinely sorry to see that i was wrong. Who makes money out of this group, and what crap did they sign up for, in order to make it Either way, it aint for me.
A reality check & to make it hit home even harder, the young lady looks mixed race to me. No alleged white supremacy hereWell, back to ‚what‘s boiling our piss today‘…
I saw a (so called) black power western on Netflix - well at least I watched about 25 minutes of it - yesterday: only POC-folks populating entire wild west towns and therefore all the main actors naturally being non-white (is it darned PC to say non white?).
Hell, next they‘ll be dishing out a D-Day movie, where only women are storming the beaches of the Normandy…
Where (the f.ck) have we ended…?
What really makes me laugh.…think of of whom you can‘t criticize…
Man, she speaks directly from my heart.
Lots of folks became so obsessed with gender-conformity and political correctness, they have not the slightest inclination of how fascist they have become themselves…
Yeah, and I have stopped laughing about this a while ago…What really makes me laugh.
Is the fact that Germany seems to be incredibly woke these days. Is it that your plastic liberals are using the crimes of the nazis as a stick to beat modern day Germans with?
In an attempt to further their woke agenda.
I'm not laughing at you Capt, just laughing at the situation mate.