What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight


Forum Duck
Chris Half witty or whatever his fucking name is “tellingly us pubs may open in April but not serving alcohol!
Who are these people and what real life experience do they have.
I’ll have a wager.
Fuck all.
Hopefully people will start to see this as never been about the publics health and safety but about population control and the introduction of martial law....

Everyone said I was crazy years ago when I first started learning of a different history to what we have been taught and its ultimate goal the surrender of people's freedoms but its happening....The global state could have used any excuse to get you all to cooperate. It didn't have to be covid19..I give them their due though it as worked way better than I ever thought it would and the fact people have let it happen without a fight makes me think the general public at large will get what they deserve...

I argue every day with sheep and morons and I'm now at a point where im ready to disassociate from society altogether...let the stupid fuckers die...

I'll eventually find others that think like myself and that will be prepared to fight back by all and any means necessary..I won't go quietly into the night....

Fuck em...Kill em all I say....


Legendary Knight
Had some cantankerous old twat that is banned from travelling on any bus i drive cause me considerable grief today which triggered something to do with my PTSD...
Long story short the prick was revelling in the shit he was causing and I've been taken off the road for the rest of the day...so because of this prick I've lost a days wages and had to phone my Doctors as an emergency at work which as caused a considerable loss of self respect on my part as I lost a bit of my self control and discipline and momentarily became an absolute fucking wimp and an embarrassment to all that is frigging holy as the Doc touched on a couple of sensitive issues and I almost blubberd like a girl....
That bloke even though he's a pensioner as just sealed his own fate in the nicest way possible as I feel a desperate need to thank him for reassuring me why it is I sometimes feel the need to point out the error of certain individual persons ways...

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Blimey, Galloway being interviewed by Russia Today and being quoted in the Daily Express - wouldn't put much faith in that as a source of info!

Personally, for all its many, many faults, I'm happy with what I pay just to keep Radio 6 and Radio 3 add free.

Apart from sport, think the only BBC stuff we watch is MaterChef and some of the music stuff on BBC 4 on a Friday.
