Read the article carefully & you'll see that this piece of shit only received 2 months for this violent assault.
At a quick glance it looks like he got 14 months. Which would still be way too lenient when people are getting 3yrs for posting MEME's
But 12 months are from a suspended sentence for dealing heroin & crack cocaine plus having ammonia in a public place.
So he's a class A drug dealer & all round wrong-un. He batters two people at a peaceful protest whilst wearing a balaclava. And the courts only give him 2 months!
Yet the establishment still deny the existence of two-tier justice!

BBC News - Northampton man jailed for 'ferocious' attack during protest - BBC News
Amjad Ali, 19, from Northampton, was wearing a balaclava when he aimed a kick at someone's head.