What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Legendary Knight
"THREE" children are now dead, I hope karma finds that bastard, maybe some convict will slit his throat in prison, one can hope.

It takes a special kind of evil to have done that to young children, and whatever his punishment it will never come close to justice. All we can hope is that he spends eternity burning in hell. :mad: But if he gets beaten senseless and bummed raw for a while, before meeting a suitable demise, then that would be good too.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
View attachment 31161
You weren't wrong Jez.
Allegedly, that's a made up story that originated on X (Tw@tter)?
But I'm not entirely convinced. Simply because the Police/MSM still haven't released his name or a photo. Plus they keep insisting that he's originally from Cardiff.
Why is it so important that we know where he used to live? 🤔 😒

Also, a reliable source has told me that he isn't 17yrs old, he's much older.
The Police are just saying that so that they can claim he's a minor & not release his details.
I reckon that's the reality of this situation.
Because such an atrocious crime commited so soon after that violent assault on the Police at Manchester airports & the stabbing of that Army Officer. Could very easily see normally law abiding white folk doing what the "community"do when they have a grievance.
And that's an insurrection the authorities could well do without!

Let's see exactly how long it takes the Police to come clean about the murdering b@stard?


Legendary Knight
I see that the rags are now reporting the possibility that the Powers of misrule will proscribe the EDL and 'former counter terrorism chief' accuses Nigel Farage of inciting people to riot in Southport. It's only a matter of time before they try to cut down anyone who may lead a revolt against this disgusting situation in our country and we will have to take to the streets (In peaceful protest demanding to be heard of course) or we will be silenced and enslaved altogether. We need to show the true numbers of the nation who are deeply unhappy with being treated like shit by a minority or people who think they have the right to rule us whether we like it or not.

Public Enemy

Staff member


Legendary Knight
They seem to think that naming him will defuse the situation but, let's face it, we now know that, while he was born in the UK his parents were refugees from Rwanda (of all places) and I have no doubt that his being here and not in Rwanda played no small part and, even if it didn't well, if his parents hadn't been allowed in he wouldn't have been born here and he would have never had the opportunity to go on the rampage. Time we closed the borders. Enough is fuckin' well enough now