What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Legendary Knight
The Unions are largely made up of parasites who earn their living off the public purse and serve the middle class 'socialist' elite who only use the working classes and poor to pay their wages via the tax man. They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and are the true enemy of the working class not to mention all those who actually make the money that runs the UK economy by running profit making businesses that pay their staff from profits rather than from harvested taxes. They will tell you that X number of people are draining the public purse via being unemployed, disabled etc. but they will never tell you that there are millions of people employed on the backs of fewer and fewer taxpayers and wealth generators who drain the public purse of billions of pounds and who don't make a damned penny or do anyone except themselves any good.

If the 'far right' wasn't giving out a message that appeals to a large number of the population who feel they are being fucked over by these assholes they wouldn't need to get out on the streets to try and 'defeat' them like some fuckin' army with a God given right to decide what we are allowed to think and what opinions we are allowed to hold. These wankstains on the fabric of society are the real problem.

What always puzzles me too is why they always have to point out that the 'real' name of Tommy Robinson is Yaxley-Lennon? Is it to imply that he isn't really a true Briton? or maybe even to try and persuade us that he really has a name that sounds a bit well 'Jewish'. Lets face it we all know that while the Left wings loves Moslems they absolutely hate Jews and probably lament that Stalin and Hitler failed to annihilate them


The Peace Keeper
Staff member

And look at these bunch of cuntz.
I'm not a particular fan of Robinson but lumping everything else with him, this is what we are up against. I'd love their thoughts on all the murders and rapes that have been perpetrated by Islam and illegals.
I read their..."Five reasons to march against Nazi Tommy Robinson on July 27th"...

It goes on & on & on about the rise of the far right all across Europe & how Tommy is capitalising on that. And how he must be stopped at all costs. Especially now that there are 5 members of the "Far-right" Reform party in parliament etc etc etc.

Basically they are shitting their pants!
And even though they describe his supporters like they are SS death camp guards.
They know full well that they are nothing of the sort. So when 5000+ ordinary British people turned up to the last event Tommy organised in London. It must have sent a tsunami of fear through lefties like them.

Tommy & his supporters are going to need to be extra vigilant & super calm on Saturday. Because those attending the various counter protests will definitely be out to cause trouble that the MSM can blame on Tommy's crowd.


Legendary Knight
I read their..."Five reasons to match against Nazi Tommy Robinson on July 27th"...

It goes on & on & on about the rise of the far right all across Europe & how Tommy is capitalising on that. And how he must be stopped at all costs. Especially now that there are 5 members of the "Far-right" Reform party in parliament etc etc etc.

Basically they are shitting their pants!
And even though they describe his supporters like they are SS death camp guards.
They know full well that they are nothing of the sort. So when 5000+ ordinary British people turned up to the last event Tommy organised in London. It must have sent a tsunami of fear through lefties like them.

Tommy & his supporters are going to need to be extra vigilant & super calm on Saturday. Because those attending the various counter protests will definitely be out to cause trouble that the MSM can blame on Tommy's crowd.
I hope they get a good kicking I really do.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I hope they get a good kicking I really do.
I don't Gazza.
Simply because it'll fan the flames of a rapidly dying fire.
Tommy is finally being taken seriously by millions of ordinary Brits. They realise he isn't a Nazi, he's a patriot.
If some of his supporters get into a brawl with the various leftie w@nkers that will be there to protest about his gathering.
The MSM will love it!


Legendary Knight
I don't hate the illegals myself. As an ex-redcap and met police pal once said you don't hate a tick for being a tick it's just doing what a tick does. The person I hate is the guy who, from a comfy seat in a comfy suburb, is encouraging if not directly aiding that tick to suck the blood of his own people in his own land and not only their blood but the blood of all their ancestors who often literally went through hell to try and ensure that their descendants had it better than they did. That person is the true racist and he is racist against, hates and despises, his own people and is actively working against them.


Legendary Knight
I don't hate the illegals myself. As an ex-redcap and met police pal once said you don't hate a tick for being a tick it's just doing what a tick does. The person I hate is the guy who, from a comfy seat in a comfy suburb, is encouraging if not directly aiding that tick to suck the blood of his own people in his own land and not only their blood but the blood of all their ancestors who often literally went through hell to try and ensure that their descendants had it better than they did. That person is the true racist and he is racist against, hates and despises, his own people and is actively working against them.

That'll be Tony Blair then 😒:poop:


Legendary Knight
I don't Gazza.
Simply because it'll fan the flames of a rapidly dying fire.
Tommy is finally being taken seriously by millions of ordinary Brits. They realise he isn't a Nazi, he's a patriot.
If some of his supporters get into a brawl with the various leftie w@nkers that will be there to protest about his gathering.
The MSM will love it!
I understand what you saying but it's time to kick fuck out the bastards.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
I don't hate the illegals myself. As an ex-redcap and met police pal once said you don't hate a tick for being a tick it's just doing what a tick does. The person I hate is the guy who, from a comfy seat in a comfy suburb, is encouraging if not directly aiding that tick to suck the blood of his own people in his own land and not only their blood but the blood of all their ancestors who often literally went through hell to try and ensure that their descendants had it better than they did. That person is the true racist and he is racist against, hates and despises, his own people and is actively working against them.
"True" you don't if you like don't need to Hate them but as in reference to ticks you would not tolerate any kind of vermin you would eradicate them,

"Me" I ain't so tolerant my world is black and white, I don't complicate things with shades of grey that's why we are infested with their kind as we where so tolerant and weak in dealing with them


Legendary Knight
I know where you are coming from @Don the Don but I blame the 'promoters' of immigration including old Tony Blair and his importing of Eastern Europeans back in the day, for allowing the illegal immigration into our nation. Now don't get me wrong, I really don't think we should tolerate Islam in this country simply because I think that Islam itself is intolerant and they will never align with our way of life and so will always be a danger to us but others, when monitored could even benefit us but we really should have promoted 'growing our own' for the last four decades or more and we wouldn't have any need of any imports whatsoever. As it is our homegrown populations has actually been decreasing for more than twenty years now according to the figures and so there has been a shortage but instead of importing the best of what the rest of the world has to offer the lazy bastards in our government have been importing the worst and mainly so that they can have cheap servants for themselves rather than for the good of the nation.


Legendary Knight
I was just talking with the missus and you know I reckon that there are also a great deal of those illegal migrants that are here who have found out that it ain't no party. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them have discovered that the way they are having to live here is worse than the life they left behind but now they are here they are still hoping that it will get better but, as more continue to come, it's only going to get worse and there is every chance that it will end in civil war or some catastrophe. We would be doing them a favour by keeping them out.

The only people this is really making happy are the caravan park and hotel owners, landlords, immigration lawyers, politicians and 'charity' employees. We are miserable, the parasites are miserable and it's only ever going to get worse.

In other news I see that the attacker on the Lt. Col. is indeed black as the ace of spades and the filthy scumbag didn't even have the balls to face an unarmed man while wielding two knives and stabbed him in the back. Of course he will slide on through on a 'mental health problems' ticket. We really need Capitol punishment brought back and set up a production line to eliminate the murderous scum from our society. That'd take care of the prisoner overcrowding and it would take a lot of people from among us who shouldn't be allowed to be among us.


Legendary Knight
I don't Gazza.
Simply because it'll fan the flames of a rapidly dying fire.
Tommy is finally being taken seriously by millions of ordinary Brits. They realise he isn't a Nazi, he's a patriot.
If some of his supporters get into a brawl with the various leftie w@nkers that will be there to protest about his gathering.
The MSM will love it!
I understand what you saying but it's time to kick fuck out the bastards

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
You would think that military cadets would have some discipline and self control
"NO" Money talks, the government make a lot of money from ethnic training, "an example" when BAE [shit's] try and sell Aircraft to Arab country's they make it a package, a certain RAF/MOD base in Shropshire is the Aeronautical engineering training base for the MOD and it is full of Arabs, and the like, some of my old pal's are still instructors there and they hate trying to teach the useless sod's, also if they buy aircraft a special Sqn is made up of half an half UK and designation nation to teach them, they know the shortfalls "BUT" money and selling BAE crap is at the forefront
I am biased, buy yank less hassle.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
A very predictable outcome.
The officer who kicked the guy has been suspended. And all 3 of the guys who attacked the Police are facing zero charges! 😡
Imagine if a white guy had put 2 Cops in hospital & broken a female officers nose. There's NO WAY he'd be released without charge & it wouldn't have been the talk of the MSM! 😒...


Public Enemy

Staff member
A very predictable outcome.
The officer who kicked the guy has been suspended. And all 3 of the guys who attacked the Police are facing zero charges! 😡
Imagine if a white guy had put 2 Cops in hospital & broken a female officers nose. There's NO WAY he'd be released without charge & it wouldn't have been the talk of the MSM! 😒...

Welcome gentlemen, to the new world order and two tier justice system.


Legendary Knight
A very predictable outcome.
The officer who kicked the guy has been suspended. And all 3 of the guys who attacked the Police are facing zero charges! 😡
Imagine if a white guy had put 2 Cops in hospital & broken a female officers nose. There's NO WAY he'd be released without charge & it wouldn't have been the talk of the MSM! 😒...

Bowed down to the muzzies yet again, cowards.