What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?

Don the Don

Legendary Knight

This shows a bit more of the truth.
Being a copper in reality is working with one hand tied behind your back, you are expected to uphold the letter of the law "But" you are on your own if it goes wrong, I think they will hang the copper suspended out to dry to appease the ethnic community I hope I am wrong, If the law of this land cannot be upheld I see a shit storm developing as this two tier policing is blatantly supporting an ethnic mob rule


The Peace Keeper
Staff member

This shows a bit more of the truth.
That video evidence should definitely get the Cop reinstated.
If it doesn't, then the "community" genuinely are a protected group.
Free to rape little white girls & savagely attack Police officers!

That video is all over the internet, to the extent that it'll be hard to miss it.
However, I'm still astonished that the BBC published it.
Doing so must have broken their twisted little leftie hearts! 🤣

Don the Don

Legendary Knight

"WTF" that was one of my old units I spent almost a decade on them, that picture shows Tornado's on Lossie I remember when we had our 95th anniversary and we wanted to paint a crusader on the tail fin of the show Jet but it was refused at the highest level in case it offended Ethnics, the CO went beserk "offend, offend" it's a fecking bomber how much more offensive can you get. The sqn badge is a st George shield and knight are they going to remove that? a sad day indeed if anyone finds out who complained I hope they get the shit kicked out of them, I will still wear my Crusader attire with pride feck em.


Legendary Knight
FFS! :mad: When are our politicians going to start addressing the real problems in this country, instead of pursuing the harassment and persecution of Tommy Robinson, and prosecuting people for hurty words, when there are real vicious animals on our streets that murder and maim.



Legendary Knight
Weirdly they are now saying that the attacker was 'originally from Wales' and yet they also say that the Anti-Terrorist unit have 'offered their expertise'. All very odd. I doubt they would not state that the attacker was white if he was as that would, of course, more than likely rule out the possibility of a terrorist motive. If there was ever a reason for bringing back the death penalty someone who stabs children and killing at least one (They say that most of the other victims are also on the critical list) is a perfect reason.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight

I am ashamed at how things have turned out in the military, a lot of veterans are also annoyed I serving mate of mine just told me these changes are on a daily basis and they wonder why the can't retain folk.



The Peace Keeper
Staff member
It was obvious he was a member of the "community". And that it was a terrorist attack regardless of what the leftie MSM were saying. Simply because they were also all saying this...


Since when did the media mention where a suspect was born in an initial report? 🤔
It's obvious that they were desperately trying to create the impression that he's a native of the UK.

As per usual the lying c#nts will do anything to protect the "community" 😡