What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Legendary Knight
Hitler was a moron I'm afraid and I think we can all thank whichever deities we do or don't believe in that he was or I reckon that, with the capabilities the wehrmacht demonstrated when they weren't being frustrated and hindered by their commander in chief, they would have succeeded in creating a thousand year reich with great ease. He also has more in common with the Liberal Democrats than anyone on the so-called right wing. I recall Eric Winkle Brown talking about the German point of view of the Battle of Britain, which he got first hand as an interpreter at the Nuremberg Trials, as basically a 'draw' as they didn't believe they lost but rather were forced by their boss to focus on Russia instead and leave Britain for later. A grave mistake as, if they had overrun us, the Yanks would have had no land base to work from when they entered the war and no Great Britain to ally themselves with or sell arms and equipment to. There are so many instances during WWII where the Wehrmacht had the upper hand and were frustrated by their own Fuhrer. I seem to recall it being said that Stalin thought Russia was screwed when the German Armies were on the outskirts of Moscow and was an absolute mess until his gawd awful followers (a distinctly ugly and evil bunch of louts) roused him while, at the same time old Adolf refused to allow the armies of the Reich to go all out on Moscow in fear that there might a trap awaiting them. History could have been very different of old Adolf and his muppets hadn't got in the way of his military experts.
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Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Hitler was a moron I'm afraid and I think we can all thank whichever deities we do or don't believe in that he was or I reckon that, with the capabilities the wehrmacht demonstrated when they weren't being frustrated and hindered by their commander in chief, they would have succeeded in creating a thousand year reich with great ease. He also has more in common with the Liberal Democrats than anyone on the so-called right wing. I recall Eric Winkle Brown talking about the German point of view of the Battle of Britain, which he got first hand as an interpreter at the Nuremberg Trials, as basically a 'draw' as they didn't believe they lost but rather were forced by their boss to focus on Russia instead and leave Britain for later. A grave mistake as, if they had overrun us, the Yanks would have had no land base to work from when they entered the war and no Great Britain to ally themselves with or sell arms and equipment to. There are so many instances during WWII where the Wehrmacht had the upper hand and were frustrated by their own Fuhrer. I seem to recall it being said that Stalin thought Russia was screwed when the German Armies were on the outskirts of Moscow and was an absolute mess until his gawd awful followers (a distinctly ugly and evil bunch of louts) roused him while, at the same time old Adolf refused to allow the armies of the Reich to go all out on Moscow in fear that there might a trap awaiting them. History could have been very different of old Adolf and his muppets hadn't got in the way of his military experts.
Well vast tomes have been written on the subject but ‘moron’ doesn’t cover it; megalomaniac does. You cannot overstate how much more prepared for war Nazi Germany was than its intended victims and the subsequent rape of overrun resources to fuel their war machine.

His criminal psychology and insane self belief led him to take chances more rational commanders would shrink from. Initial success reinforced his irrational self belief of himself as a strategic genius and disarmed his critics who knew better than to speak out anyway. If he said he outclassed Alexander the Great, Caesar, Napoleon etc., combined, you didn’t disagree openly. He then often threw away any advantage gained because he switched focus, unaccountably halted or outran his logistics because.....he hadn’t actually anticipated the success he had achieved. He also had a bizarre fixation with holding ground once won and took horrendous losses when tactical adjustments were required.

Fundamentally he was the bloke who got lucky in the casino then blew it all while his accountants urged him to bank his winnings. It’s not so difficult if you are indifferent to the suffering you cause. He died having concluded the German people weren’t worthy of him. Kind of says it all. Not moron, criminal. He never won an election but subverted the state and created a tyranny.


Forum Duck
I think one or two may have been in the Hitler youth , ill get me coat
Fuck yeah...I'd sign up today...
As Stanley Kubrick stated "Hitler was right about almost everything "....

To understand Kubricks statement and why he moved from Hollywood to England and for a long time turned his back on his own people. You really do need to do your homework..It involves a lot of research and that takes time...

If you do ever read up on it, read everything you can get your hands on...The difference in the way people present things from all sides of the subject matter is amazing but you will notice how certain folks approach everything with an emotional theme which you very soon learn is purely manipulative and designed to steer you away from rational thought and observation of the facts...

I never in a million years thought that I could see history in a way that was anything more than a record of past events...When you really study it you can see a plan in effect and how people of note including Henry VIII also noticed and tried to prevent it and save England...Its really strange how anyone that as opposed this grand plan ( I know it sounds nuts but all the documentation is there i assure you ) is regarded as evil, insane, dictators, narcissistic or mad military geniuses...Its really eye opening stuff...
At the very least you would learn a lot of people are involved in a lot of lies which support the very way we are all governed today....


Forum Duck
Hitler was a moron I'm afraid and I think we can all thank whichever deities we do or don't believe in that he was or I reckon that, with the capabilities the wehrmacht demonstrated when they weren't being frustrated and hindered by their commander in chief, they would have succeeded in creating a thousand year reich with great ease. He also has more in common with the Liberal Democrats than anyone on the so-called right wing. I recall Eric Winkle Brown talking about the German point of view of the Battle of Britain, which he got first hand as an interpreter at the Nuremberg Trials, as basically a 'draw' as they didn't believe they lost but rather were forced by their boss to focus on Russia instead and leave Britain for later. A grave mistake as, if they had overrun us, the Yanks would have had no land base to work from when they entered the war and no Great Britain to ally themselves with or sell arms and equipment to. There are so many instances during WWII where the Wehrmacht had the upper hand and were frustrated by their own Fuhrer. I seem to recall it being said that Stalin thought Russia was screwed when the German Armies were on the outskirts of Moscow and was an absolute mess until his gawd awful followers (a distinctly ugly and evil bunch of louts) roused him while, at the same time old Adolf refused to allow the armies of the Reich to go all out on Moscow in fear that there might a trap awaiting them. History could have been very different of old Adolf and his muppets hadn't got in the way of his military experts.

Hitler was great as a figurehead and Churchill himself once said in Parliament before the second World War broke out that if Great Britain was ever in a position as Germany had found itself after the end of the first world war ...That he hoped Britain would find such a man as Hitler to lead the country....

High praise indeed...


Forum Duck
Hitler was a moron I'm afraid and I think we can all thank whichever deities we do or don't believe in that he was or I reckon that, with the capabilities the wehrmacht demonstrated when they weren't being frustrated and hindered by their commander in chief, they would have succeeded in creating a thousand year reich with great ease. He also has more in common with the Liberal Democrats than anyone on the so-called right wing. I recall Eric Winkle Brown talking about the German point of view of the Battle of Britain, which he got first hand as an interpreter at the Nuremberg Trials, as basically a 'draw' as they didn't believe they lost but rather were forced by their boss to focus on Russia instead and leave Britain for later. A grave mistake as, if they had overrun us, the Yanks would have had no land base to work from when they entered the war and no Great Britain to ally themselves with or sell arms and equipment to. There are so many instances during WWII where the Wehrmacht had the upper hand and were frustrated by their own Fuhrer. I seem to recall it being said that Stalin thought Russia was screwed when the German Armies were on the outskirts of Moscow and was an absolute mess until his gawd awful followers (a distinctly ugly and evil bunch of louts) roused him while, at the same time old Adolf refused to allow the armies of the Reich to go all out on Moscow in fear that there might a trap awaiting them. History could have been very different of old Adolf and his muppets hadn't got in the way of his military experts.
Your right in what you say about Germanies military forces and how many a time Germany had the upper hand...Unfortunately Hitler clung to the belief that England and the British people were not Germanies natural enemy and the German government sued for peace with Britain many times during the first eighteen months of the second World War even offering to withdraw from France and France becoming a neutral zone but Churchill would hear none of it and none of this was made public knowledge at the time....
Makes you wonder ???

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Hitler was great as a figurehead and Churchill himself once said in Parliament before the second World War broke out that if Great Britain was ever in a position as Germany had found itself after the end of the first world war ...That he hoped Britain would find such a man as Hitler to lead the country....

High praise indeed...
This is one of those stories that gets repeated with sod all context!

In a speech to the Reichstag in early November 1938, Hitler had attacked Churchill and others who had objected to the Munich Pact by name and describing them as “warmongers.” Replying in the House of Commons on 6 November, Churchill said:
I am surprised that the head of a great State should set himself to attack British members of Parliament who hold no official position and who are not even the leaders of parties. Such action on his part can only enhance any influence they may have, because their fellow-countrymen have long been able to form their own opinion about them and really do not need foreign guidance.
Churchill later said:
“I have always said that if Great Britain were defeated in war I hoped we should find a Hitler to lead us back to our rightful position among the nations. I am sorry, however, that he has not been mellowed by the great success that has attended him. The whole world would rejoice to see the Hitler of peace and tolerance, and nothing would adorn his name in world history so much as acts of magnanimity and of mercy and of pity to the forlorn and friendless, to the weak and poor.
Since he has been good enough to give me his advice I venture to return the compliment. Herr Hitler also showed himself unduly sensitive about suggestions that there may be other opinions in Germany besides his own. It would be indeed astonishing if, among 80,000,000 of people so varying in origin, creed, interest, and condition, there should be only one pattern of thought. It would not be natural: it is incredible. That he has the power, and, alas! the will, to suppress all inconvenient opinions is no doubt true. It would be much wiser to relax a little, and not try to frighten people out of their wits for expressing honest doubt and divergences. He is mistaken in thinking that I do not see Germans of the Nazi regime when they come to this country. On the contrary, only this year I have seen, at their request, Herr Bohle, Herr Henlein, and the Gauleiter of Danzig, and they all know that.
In common with most English men and women, I should like nothing better than to see a great, happy, peaceful Germany in the vanguard of Europe. Let this great man search his own heart and conscience before he accuses anyone of being a warmonger. The whole peoples of the British Empire and the French Republic earnestly desire to dwell in peace side by side with the German nation. But they are also resolved to put themselves in a position to defend their rights and long-established civilizations. They do not mean to be in anybody’s power. If Herr Hitler’s eye falls upon these words I trust he will accept them in the spirit of candour in which they are uttered.”
He didn’t trust him an inch!


Forum Duck
This is one of those stories that gets repeated with sod all context!

In a speech to the Reichstag in early November 1938, Hitler had attacked Churchill and others who had objected to the Munich Pact by name and describing them as “warmongers.” Replying in the House of Commons on 6 November, Churchill said:

Churchill later said:
I do think Churchill was lying when he said in that speech about " i should like nothing more than to see a great happy peaceful Germany at the vanguard of Europe. "...

As that doesn't make sense with the economic pressures that Britain and other countries were forcing on Germany in an attempt to crush the flourishing economic Germany the reich had created free from central banking...Not to mention border disputes that Britain kinda orchestated and were definitely puppetmasters..

As for Churchill again I think he was great as a figurehead..Not such a great leader and don't forget all of Churchills ties to the upper class and elite of Britain Europe and money in America...wasn't his mum an American socialite of Jewish heritage and wealth that married his father but she was less than a loyal wife and had sexual relationships with all and sundry including the king of Serbia who in my opinion was Churchills real dad...Facial similarities are astonishingly similar...All of which suggests to me that good old winnie had vested family interests and was also a self proclaimed zionist which speaks volumes as to which direction he would steer Britain in if should war break out...Also after the second World War our British troops were then sent to secure a strip of land in palestrine to create the state of Israel...

A lot of information there that again suggests to me the possibility of different reasons this country went to war with Germany for a second time...

In my personal opinion we went to war with Germany to crush the economy of Germany and destroy a new system of banking that was beneficial to a nation and it's people and that worked...

Also in my opinion I believe the second world war was essential to secure the state of Israel...

Never in all mankind's moder history do I believe so many lives were sacrificed on all sides for such selfish reasons by the powers that be....

For the ordinary man and woman its all about we're the good guys and they are the bad guys and its us that do all the dying..Brave men and women from all over the world dying for what really...

Think about how it works today...You really believe we go to war to promote freedom and democracy or is it for natural resources whatever they may be...

I may have got a little carried away there...🤯🤯🤯