Sarky B’stard
Legendary Knight
And how many appreciate whence cameth our current prosperity?I have to say that the 'white privilege bit really pisses me off. As a kid, when my Dad left the RAF we lived in a council house in Cumbernauld and even though my Dad worked his ass off and was never unemployed we had almost feck all. For me and my brother Major Christmas presents were second hand bikes or maybe a decent size Airfix kit (never the big 1/24th scale ones though) and Birthdays were one toy like an Action Man or similarly priced thing. We had maybe two suits of clothes each if we were lucky and my dad owned one of about only ten cars in an area of about 100 or so houses(a Beetle and then a knackered Capri). There was bugger all 'privilege' for anyone there and in Cumbernauld at that time you wouldn't get a house unless you had a job so it wasn't 'benefit scroungers' just poor hard-working people. I remember Glasgow of the 70's and 80's too with the grim derelict buildings, the alcoholics and homeless on the streets and the sheer pitiful poverty of the ordinary people. Anyone who declares 'white privilege' has lived a very sheltered life or simply doesn't want to see the truth that is life for the ordinary man in the Western world.
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I would never have propped up a bar with him but he was a serious thinker. He said PFI was a shit idea and of course Heseltine of walnut intellect said the opposite.
History will be kinder than we were.