What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Personally, I think the world would have been a better place if none of the Abrahamic religions had emerged.

But while feeling this, I have to say that it is wrong to tar everyone with the same brush. I have Muslim friends who are as appalled by this as any of you.

And while I don't think their religion is actually a force for good, I have to acknowledge that when living and travelling in Muslim countries, I've met some of the kindest most generous people I have come across. Doing some serious travelling, I would not have survived were it not for their kindness - remote villagers refusing payment for food that you know they don't have much of themselves because you are their 'guest', when you wander over the hill into their village or nomadic campsite. I have also met some total arseholes in these countries too!

This seems a particular problem amongst some poor Pakistani communities, they are not wealthy Muslims, or, for example, Arab Muslims. That needs to be understood if it is to be stamped out.

None of this means I have any sympathy for the perpetrators of these hideous crimes - the punishments should be severe and reflect the horror of what they have done.


Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I also think there’s a chippiness element as with Brexit. Our perspective of Rome might be different if its Empire was more recent. We ruled the roost for so much of the World in recent history there are quite a few whose first instinct is ‘payback time’. It paralyses French thinking 🤣


Legendary Knight
I think @Doc Strange also brings to light a very good point - Good people are good people in-spite of rather than because of their religion. Experience has taught me that assholes come in all religions flavours and all colours and rarely do people actually truly follow or even understand what their religion supposedly teaches them. Some cultures can certainly foster or condone bad behaviour but even in those cultures you will find people who are just naturally good people who won't allow themselves to descend to doing evil things.

Hospitality to strangers is a difficult one though. In Scotland 'Highland hospitality' was often commented on. Hospitality to strangers is a survival behaviour. You never know when you yourself might be a stranger in need so you are hospitable to strangers in the hope that you will receive the same treatment yourself when you need it. Of course it doesn't mean the people being hospitable actually like you or really want to share their goods with you. I recall my wife telling me how she brought a previous partner to her Grandmother's house. Her Grandmother was from Donegal and brought up in a dirt poor family(in fact I don't believe they could even afford dust let alone genuine dirt). Her grandmother and her aunt rolled out the red carpet with sandwiches and cakes etc. that they could ill afford and encouraged him to eat his fill and then some which he duly did. After he left and for a long time after though they related how he scoffed all their food and was a greedy and selfish pig.
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Legendary Knight
Might be wrong but its about £120 pw to keep a nonce or sexual predator of any kind in her majesties hotels for rehabilitation , sorry a leopard never changes its spots , ever . I will supply my own cartridges and rope and all monies saved can be given back to our NHS and refurbish our ever dwindling Armed forces


Legendary Knight
Probably by now , dont know if its true but i heard that the budget to feed someone in hospital is about 80p per day , a serving member of our armed forces in a war zone about 60p per day and a feckin criminal about £4.20 per day , any one else see summat wrong here or just me , cant remember his name but that prison governor in the states has the best idea , dresses them in pink , makes them sleep in tents , says he is never full and will always find room for more , feeds them food marked NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION and drives around the perimeter himself in a sherman tank . thats more like it !!