Legendary Knight
Oh that one deserves a few extras @Don the Don 

I heard the first part years ago but the second part is new to me
@half tonA Norwich girl goes to the chemist and asks for a pack of condoms,
"You won't need them. " said the pharmacist, "your dad came in and got a packet earlier.
Nah ..I'll keep the coat.....there's a pack of condoms in the pocket and you might nick em
I'm bloody sure @Big Sandy was thereYou know, my Dad once worked with an old hunting guide, and one day they had a smart-ass guest. They were walking through the woods and they came across some small, brown spheres:
“What’s that?” asked the guest.
“Why them’s smart pills,” said the guide. “Ya just gobble a couple and ya gets smarter”.
So the dude scooped a few up and popped them in his mouth. Then he immediately spat them out and said “Jesus! These taste just like sh*t!”
“Ayup,” said the guide. “I do believe you’re getting smarter already.”