Joke of the day.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
"Finally. I'd like to make an appointment to see the Doctor, please."


"Oh. May I have a call back to speak to the Doctor, please?"


"Ok. Is it possible to have a Teams meeting with the Doctor, please?"


"Zoom call with the Doctor, please?"


"Can I have a repeat prescription from the Doctor, please?"


"I need a letter for my boss from the Doctor, please."


"I've had enough of this. Tell the Doctor I called, please."

"Your name?"

"Bond. James Bond."

From the Dr. No remake, 2024.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Johnny's teacher is giving a lesson on Nutrition, and she decides to ask her students what they had for Breakfast.
To add a Spelling Component, she asks the students to also spell their answers.
Susan puts up her hand and says she had an Egg, 'E-G-G'
'Very good', says the teacher.
Peter says he had Toast, 'T-O-A-S-T?
Johnny has his hand up and the teacher reluctantly calls on him:
'I had Feck All', he says, ' F-E-C-K-A-L-L'.
The teacher is mortified and scolds Johnny for his rude answer.
Later when the lesson turns to Geography, she asks the students some rudimentary questions.
Susan correctly identifies the Capital of Canada. Peter is able to tell her which ocean is off Canada's East Coast.
When it's Johnny's turn, the teacher remembers his rude answer from the Nutrition Lesson, and decides to give him a very difficult question:
Johnny, she asks, 'Where is the Mexican Border?'
Johnny ponders the question and finally says, "The Mexican border is in bed with my mother.
That's why I got Feck All for Breakfast."

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Just thought I'd nip over to check on the old lady over the road, and fair play to her at 96, she had all the Halloween decorations up, cobwebs and insects in the windows and a skeleton on the couch.

She always makes a big effort, but there was no answer so I'll pop back next year.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
My girlfriend just dumped me. She said in a teary tirade: “I can’t take your shit any more. You’re so pedantic. Everything I do is wrong. I loved you so much, but it’ll never be enough for you.

I’m leaving now. Me and Gary are driving up north through the night and then you’ll never hear from me again”

She was about to close the door when I yelled “No, no….waaait”

She turned back, tears in her eyes, a glimmer of hope still remained.

That was when I uttered those three magic words. “Gary and I”