
Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Great pic Tony, I used to have my Alsation in my sidecar on an old 650 Bonnie with a set of old RAF goggles deffo no gay ones like that, all the same I think it's great that folk take them out for a spin mine loved it and he was a better bike alarm than any gizzmo and would pin any thieving bastard down

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
Got revenge on vets today.

We use Advantage on the dogs, keeps the ticks off, as well as the fleas (lots of deer round us, rotten with ticks, lice, you name it).

2 tubes, one for each dog, is usually £26 something. Well, winter is coming, so decided to get 4 months worth, so I don't have to drive to the vets in the snow. So, 4 tubes for Tia, 4 tubes for Mollie, one each per month. Should have been £104.

Ha! They charged me £73..... Needless to say I pointed out their mistake. NOT.