What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
The leprosy isn't noticeable from a distance @chas but close up it is absolutely covered in little pimples and some larger blisters not to mention a couple of little splits in the paint. It pisses me off that the tank was blister free apart from one or two tiny ones and then, after a frosty night the tanks on both the black Sprint and the Yellow one developed a host of blisters. Stripping the black tank it is clear as well that they are between the barrier layer and plastic of the tank so a complete strip down to the nylon is required if you want to re-finish the buggers. As bad materials choices go using Nylon for tanks on bikes where aesthetics are important has to be one of the worst.


Legendary Knight
Took the Sprint out for a gentle spin today around the local area. Bit damp with showers in places but good to get a bit of tarmac under the wheels.
View attachment 10351

She is a good looking and sweet handling machine. Just wish the tank didn't have leprosy.


The bike is a looker Marty, very nice :cool:

Is the visit to the grave yard your happy place, where you contemplate the coming apocalypse? 😜

The Departed

Anyone after

I.O.W weekend camping tickets with ferry crossings ?​



Legendary Knight
Well @Scrappy I guess you could say it's my 'Happy Place' or at least one of them. It's just a wee bit north of Inveraray and is where one of my favourite authors, Neil Munro who wrote the Para Tales of the puffer 'Vital Spark' is buried. Being an anti-social bugger when I go for a run to Inveraray I often loop round the town hall and head back north and stop in the Layby outside the graveyard to have a puff on my pipe and enjoy the view rather than stop in the car park at Inverary which will typically be full of Rocket pilots and Adventure riders sneering at older machinery on a nice day.

The Departed


I use the forum since 2009 so it's good

half ton

Legendary Knight
Oh I forgot to add that I have a more precise point for the start of the Apocalypse now (or should that be the Apocalypse Soon). It will start at 20.22 (GMT) on the 22/02 2022 which, of course, if you add up the three separate groups of 2's equals 6 6 6
until now I thought you were spouting boo licks Marty.....After that last bit of info I'm sold where do we line up to kiss our butts goodbye...must remember to cancel the order for my new bike.... :oops:


Legendary Knight
Might as well still get the new bike @half ton you should get some fun out of it before the 'zero hour' and, of course you will need it to ride in the cavalry division of the army of light. The Apocalypse isn't a 'lights out' affair but rather the world will descend into a hellish hole (even worse than it already is) and the righteous will fight the armies of Satan (the Woke Brigade) on the plains of Armageddon.


Legendary Knight
Might as well still get the new bike @half ton you should get some fun out of it before the 'zero hour' and, of course you will need it to ride in the cavalry division of the army of light. The Apocalypse isn't a 'lights out' affair but rather the world will descend into a hellish hole (even worse than it already is) and the righteous will fight the armies of Satan (the Woke Brigade) on the plains of Armageddon.
So should I be looking at fitting dual purpose tyres? Something that rides well on hellfire?

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Might as well still get the new bike @half ton you should get some fun out of it before the 'zero hour' and, of course you will need it to ride in the cavalry division of the army of light. The Apocalypse isn't a 'lights out' affair but rather the world will descend into a hellish hole (even worse than it already is) and the righteous will fight the armies of Satan (the Woke Brigade) on the plains of Armageddon.
Marty here are the righteous 4 riders to defeat the Satan (y)
