What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
That's reminded me of selling a kit car to a guy years ago.
He turned up with a 2' long screwdriver & proceeded to put the driver end on the rocker cover, & the plastic end to his ear.
It was obvious he hadn't got a Scooby Doo why he was doing it, or what he was listening for.
He caught me trying not to laugh & fessed up that his mate had told him to do it. But he didn't actually know what he was listening for 🤣

It was an old 1.6 Ford Pinto engine. Not the most high tech or quietest motor ever made.
He purchased the car, drove it 200+ miles home & phoned me to say he loved it. And his mate had signed off the engine with a clean bill of health 🙂

Here's the car in question
View attachment 14242View attachment 14243
View attachment 14241 A Morgan look-alike with modern ish running gear 😃
Not very fast, but stylish IMHO.
I fitted black/silver number plates after these photos were taken. They completed the classic car look.
That's gorgeous...I'd have one 👍👍👍🦆

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
Finally managed to be at home when it's not pissing down (well, it wasn't.. It is now)

So, damaged indicator replaced (it was working, but held on with tape...) oil changed, full check over, brakes cleaned, suspension check and grease where necessary, forks checked, all fasteners checked, brake fluids changed, coolant checked (its actually good for minus 30! According to the tester anyway) tyres checked, all lights checked, and then a quick clean of the grubby fingerprints.

Next thing will be the mot, but I'm leaving that until the weather warms up a bit. March, probably.


Forum Duck
Finally managed to be at home when it's not pissing down (well, it wasn't.. It is now)

So, damaged indicator replaced (it was working, but held on with tape...) oil changed, full check over, brakes cleaned, suspension check and grease where necessary, forks checked, all fasteners checked, brake fluids changed, coolant checked (its actually good for minus 30! According to the tester anyway) tyres checked, all lights checked, and then a quick clean of the grubby fingerprints.

Next thing will be the mot, but I'm leaving that until the weather warms up a bit. March, probably.
Legend 👍👍👍🦆


Legendary Knight
I had one of those 'stand slip' moments myself with my Daytona last year. Front end went down off the paddock stand when I bumped into it but not quite all the way as the bike was on an ABBA stand with the rear end strapped down but not quite enough to keep the front end high enough for easy wheel removal which was why I had a paddock stand under the forks. The fun started when I had to lift the forks up and manoeuvre the paddock stand back under them!


Legendary Knight
I anticipated just such slip moments last year when I posted this
View attachment 14394
The puller/hoist is about £28 from Machine Mart and I've used it for all sorts of jobs including felling.

If your roof trusses are man enough you can suspend the entire bike as I did for the back end overhaul.

I hang my bikes from a beam in my garage. I use a couple of those wide ratchet straps which fall from the back of lorries.

I've also hung bikes from roof beams with ratchet straps.



Legendary Knight
All I've done is bought some antifreeze to add to the pile of bits ready for the spring service. If I eke out the buying it hurts less ;)

The battery and discs are still in boxes for now, I'll do the discs maybe next weekend when the wheel comes out for a new front boot.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Strong winds and rain predicted from 1, so out at 10 and back before it got shitty.

Nice few hours down to Rutland and back via my fave cafe.

Been going there since it opened 3 years ago and only ever seen one or two other bikes at a time in the car park - but loads there today.

The local GS owners group apparently - fuck me, they were an old bunch! And their bikes were too clean too ;)
