What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
@Big Sandy have you phoned any of the Breakers yards? I know that Yellow 13 in Fife have broken quite a few triumphs over the years so there's every chance that they have what you need. Their website is shite though so you'd really need to phone them to find out.

All the rear Nissin master cylinders used by Triumph from the 90's right up to present look rather similar and the main difference is the length of the actuator rod. I reckon you should be able to get a decent one for thirty or forty quid without having to wait three or four weeks for one to get here from the States. The shipping time would put me off more than the cost to be honest. I've got a Sprint RS one here (It's still hooked up to a caliper and footrest) that I can send you if you want it. Much shorter rod and I don't know how easy those are to change over as I've never stripped a rear master cylinder in my puff and probably a bit manky but it was working before I broke the bike.
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Legendary Knight
Some geek stuff to reassure we 'traditionalists'.

The fundamental problem is that most bike batteries for reasons of size are under specified for the tasks they perform. They are too easily drained to the point where lifespan is impacted. A smart charger simply automates battery maintenance to ensure trouble free starting and maximal life.
I'm genuinely interested to see if my Li-ion investment will pay off.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
FWIW it's pissing down in the SE but meant to clear by midday

Made the right decision going in the car on Friday - rain a lot of the way down.

But glorious sunshine today for a nice run down to Rutland Water and then across for cuppa and a nice piece of carrot cake at Buttercups :)

Lots of bikes out.

Last ride until I return from hols in a fortnight - one of the few things that make returning tolerable!



Legendary Knight
Made the right decision going in the car on Friday - rain a lot of the way down.

But glorious sunshine today for a nice run down to Rutland Water and then across for cuppa and a nice piece of carrot cake at Buttercups :)

Lots of bikes out.

Last ride until I return from hols in a fortnight - one of the few things that make returning tolerable!


Have a great time Doc (y)


Legendary Knight
Grips well glued on this time? ;)

Yes, this time the grip is so tight I couldn't get it on the last 5mm :rolleyes: Same make/model of grip but just wouldn't go any further, I even tried using a large socket and a mallet to knock it on (which is specifically advised against :oops:), but it was not budging... and it's glued with gorilla glue ;)

Bike still looks good @Scrappy

The only damage remaining is two tiny dents in one of the exhaust headers, I got the Dremel out and burnished out the scratches within the dents, then finished off with a couple of grades of wet & dry, and some Autosol. I think when the bronzish tarnish returns it will be hardly noticeable, unless you look closely. 👍


Legendary Knight
Well, today, as it's been pissin down again pretty much non-stop, I went out to the shed to finish doing some touch-up, cut back and polish work on the fairings for the Daytona in anticipation of taking her for MOT as I had thought she was running well. Went to start her, splutter, splutter then sounded like she was running on two cylinders then she refused point blank to start after that. ......... Bastard!!!!!

Back to square one! Thoughts people - Could the battery, although seeming to have plenty of power just not have quite enough to throw the engine around properly? She was starting off the button, no problem at all a couple of times a day for the last few days then yesterday she was a wee bit more reluctant to start and now today she is back where she was and refusing to start at all. Charged the battery up until the charger said it was fully charged and tried again but no luck however, given that, in the past, I've had to pull the plugs, soaked with fuel, and let them 'air' and then she has started.

On the plus side I fitted almost new pegs on my sky blue Bonnie. If y'all remember the right peg gave way at the MOT station last year embarrassing the hell out of me as we keeled over. I had fitted a set of Triumph Sprint RS pegs to her but the just don't look quite right. I spotted a full set taken from an almost new bike that a chap was selling on fleabay for £28 shipped for all four, grabbed 'em and she is now back to 'stock'.
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Legendary Knight
Well, today, as it's been pissin down again pretty much non-stop, I went out to the shed to finish doing some touch-up, cut back and polish work on the fairings for the Daytona in anticipation of taking her for MOT as I had thought she was running well. Went to start her, splutter, splutter then sounded like she was running on two cylinders then she refused point blank to start after that. ......... Bastard!!!!!

Back to square one! Thoughts people - Could the battery, although seeming to have plenty of power just not have quite enough to throw the engine around properly? She was starting off the button, no problem at all a couple of times a day for the last few days then yesterday she was a wee bit more reluctant to start and now today she is back where she was and refusing to start at all. Charged the battery up until the charger said it was fully charged and tried again but no luck however, given that, in the past, I've had to pull the plugs, soaked with fuel, and let the 'air' and then she has started.

On the plus side I fitted almost new pegs on my sky blue Bonnie. If y'all remember the right peg gave way at the MOT station last year embarrassing the hell out of me as we keeled over. I had fitted a set of Triumph Sprint RS pegs to her but the just don't look quite right. I spotted a full set taken from an almost new bike that a chap was selling on fleabay for £28 shipped for all four, grabbed 'em and she is now back to 'stock'.
You could eliminate the battery question by sticking some jump leads off the car on next time you try to start it In addition to the bike batt, obv).
Try a brand spankers new set of plugs and see what happens (I know, set of CR9EK will cost nigh on £20, I've just put together a service kit for mine) but it's another bit of elimination.
Have you tried something daft like taking the air filter out and seeing if it starts?
I'd be revisiting all the simple shit first. If you're using E10 in it I'd drain that piss out now and put it in a can for the mower etc. Fill it with E5 (which is still piss, just less so).

When you had it running earlier in the week did you take it out and 'clear its tubes' a bit? If you get it firing I really would get it out for a good run and blow the cobwebs out.

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Anything above $50 I've been hit with some kind of import tax..🦆
There’s several different charges you could get hit with when buying from overseas
Excise Duty
Customs Clearance

There will be a charge for anything for customs clearance (amount depends on Courier a few quid usually) VAT is on anything over £135 bought from a Business or £39 for anything marked as a gift

Same for Excise Duty which is usually on booze and fags

Sounds like whatever you bought was marked as a gift and was over £39 / $50:unsure:

Oh and there’s Customs Duty on top too(y)
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Legendary Knight
Unfortunately, as she needs a new MOT I didn't take her out for a blast @chas The fact that it started, ran fine repeatedly for several days and then started to act up again is what's puzzling me. The bike hasn't been moved between starts so I doubt it's a dodgy connection that's been joggled, the plugs were clean apart from being wet with fuel and, when I got her running again she was running well which makes me think they are OK. What I was wondering about is the possibility that the battery, once used a few times and not fully charged is just fading to the point where, while the engine is churning away the spark is not strong enough. One thing I do not is that, when I hit the starter, the digital dash goes blank until I take my finger off the starter making me wonder about not enough current being available.


Forum Duck
Unfortunately, as she needs a new MOT I didn't take her out for a blast @chas The fact that it started, ran fine repeatedly for several days and then started to act up again is what's puzzling me. The bike hasn't been moved between starts so I doubt it's a dodgy connection that's been joggled, the plugs were clean apart from being wet with fuel and, when I got her running again she was running well which makes me think they are OK. What I was wondering about is the possibility that the battery, once used a few times and not fully charged is just fading to the point where, while the engine is churning away the spark is not strong enough. One thing I do not is that, when I hit the starter, the digital dash goes blank until I take my finger off the starter making me wonder about not enough current being available.
Remember when mine was doing that...
Replaced battery and all sorts..
Turned out the alternator wasn't putting enough charge back into the battery hence the cutting out and the dash going blank...
I fitted a reconditioned alternator I paid £70 for off ebay with a year guarantee on it...
Just like that no more sputtering or cutting out whether for a split second or just plain stopped and no more dash failing at times or again just cutting out...
I learned a lot from my old triumph sprint experience...🦆