What have you done to your bike today....

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Kilmartin is a very ancient place isn't it @Sarky B’stard? I don't know about you but I feel the history of the place whenever I pass through. I seem to recall that there are more pre-historic sites in and around the glen per square mile than anywhere else in Britain. Burial cairns, standing stones and carved rocks are absolutely all over the place and the landscape itself is ancient.
Well the 'kil' in place names is a bit of a clue to age and origin coming from the same stem as the English cell or Gaelic cille which denotes a church or chapel of circa 6th Century origin likely related to St Columba and/or St Kentigern - rather earlier than the pagan English!

Certainly the sheltered SW facing Glen with proximity to the sea is thick with Neolithic remains and intriguing hints at Templar occupation. In 1307 Philip IV of France suppressed the Order of the Knights Templar and appropriated their wealth and lands (Henry VIII probably knew the story before the Dissolution of the Monasteries!) and they were excommunicated by the Pope. The one place in Europe to which they could flee was Robert the Bruce's Scotland because he too had been excommunicated for murdering his rival John Comyn in a church under truce. They don't make elections like they used to! There's a bit of a myth too about professional knights intervening at a critical moment at Bannockburn (1314) when Scotland had no real cavalry of its own. Who knows? We keep digging things up; literally.

Whatever the romantic story is has unquestionably been a relatively benign site of continuous human occupation since the ice sheets retreated and there's evidence of occupation before the last ice age and after the previous one...... that's definitely 'historic' as the Americans like to call anything pre WWII!
I don't think they were SNP supporters somehow.


Legendary Knight
Of course the SNP don't really want to talk too much about that area of the country and it's history as it's where the Irish 'Scots' started coming into the lands of the British and they really don't want anyone to know that the 'Scots' were 'settlers' and 'colonists' who came into the land and took over control from the native Brythonnic people.

In other news I was surprised to get an email recently from the Gaelic Books Council to let me know that 'in honour of the Platinum Jubilee' they are having a special sale of Gaelic books, featuring ones with a Royal Connection in particular. That must upset all those little blue faced twats trying to learn the language in order to prove how disconnected they are from Britain and it's monarchy.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Whilst searching for something else in the garage I found these...

They are leftover from a ZZR600. That I recommissioned for Mrs DD approx 15yrs ago.
There's only four but you could put one on each side of the Versys rims. As a statement that you aren't quite ready to be a taker just yet. But you'd like to know more about the lifestyle.

If references are required? We'll be happy to mention your love of fruit cider 😉

Annoyingly, the flash has made them look a bit red. But I'm sure Duck will see past that 😎


Legendary Knight
Well @Don the Don for those whose native language it was they want to keep it as part of their history and, believe me, a hell of a lot of the native speakers (Islay in particular) aren't at all fans of the SNP or Independence and see themselves as British. Then you get the sycophantic 'Freedom!' mob and SNP who want to use it as a political tool to divide Britain and also cosy up to the Irish and a hell of a lot of those in the SNP and amongst it followers see themselves more as Irish and are of Irish descent and have a fantasy of Scotland joining Ireland in some sort of Celtic Coalition.

Personally for me Gaelic is not only the native language of almost all my ancestors and is also a very beautiful and poetic language and you need the language to truly understand the old Gaelic writings and songs as the beauty get's lost when it's translated into modern English. That being said I am under no illusions that it would be anything but a step backwards to force the language on the population of Scotland. People who think that the English stamped out Gaelic just don't get the fact that Gaelic has dwindled not because of the big bad English but simply because the advent of printing, newspapers, Radio and Television and global diaspora made learning and speaking English a wise move if you wanted to do anything other than live on yer wee bit croft on Skye and never have anything to do with anyone else even just a short hop away. One of the things I quite frankly hate is the fact that, in order to 'keep up with the times' and 'keep the language alive' they are bastardising it and imitating English and America phrasing in Gaelic which is doing more damage to the language than would leaving it in the history books.
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Legendary Knight
Got home last night after a great week in Eire with 8 friends on 6 bikes. Gave the 900 a very quick wash down. This morning I washed it again with more care and started the long think if I should change the tyres for our ride to Norway. Michelin Road 5 with 4000 miles. Going to add another 3000 miles.................

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
why bother speaking gaelic? only a trick cyclist could get their tongue around that, just speak the language of the big boss man English and be done with it
It's my cousins first language. Their English is quite the equal of yours. I think we'd be better not shoving it on every sign or vehicle in parts of the country where it was never spoken.
Pole my arse!
Still, it beats Boghead in Welsh!



Legendary Knight
The real sick joke I find is that Poileas, Ambaileans etc. are not Gaelic words in any way and are part of what I see as the harmful damage being done to the language. They are simply Gaelicised spellings of English words. Police and Ambulances didn't exist in the times when Gaelic was truly a living language and so had no words for such things but you could actually create real Gaelic words for such things rather than adopting English words and then fucking around with them to try and make them look a bit different. I find it funny too because there are letters that don't exist in the Gaelic alphabet like V, J and H and the 'inventors' go through all manner of hoops to invent Gaelic spelling such as TBh which is pronounce TeeVee because, while there is no 'V' or 'H' in Gaelic in certain circumstance a 'B' can sound like a 'V' if it has be 'lenited' which is symbolised using a little 'h' after the letter to be modified.

There are so many people who have learned the language from books and courses rather than living it amongst the people who know it and they are fucking about with all aspects of the language as if they owned it when they have no right and certainly not the intelligence. I am no expert grammarian and, while I love the language, I wasn't brought up speaking it and so I would never consider myself to have a right to make up words and screw about with it the way the Scottish Government and it's bastard army are. I have known native speakers who have spoken it all their lives being told off in online forums about how they use their own language by some dickhead from Switzerland or Brazil who has no Celtic heritage whatsoever but has learned the language from books of 'grammar' and thinks that, because a native speaker doesn't obey the rules of grammar as laid down in those books then the native must be wrong. That's one of the reasons you will rarely find a native Gaelic speaker willing to use his language except within his circle of trusted friends and family.


Legendary Knight
Well the Daytona is still taking the piss out of me. Having got her running again and changed the engine map to rule out a failing Lambda sensor and with the new battery I was planning to rush her down to the MOT station asap. Well, last night when I came back from my run out on the Bonnie I tried to fire her up and she wasn't having it so, today I started attempt number one thousand to try and get the bitch to play nice. Now, given recent experience, I know that, if I pulled the plugs, waved them around a little and then put them back in she will start as if she was fixed but won't be so I decided to swap out the ECU for a spare to see if that solves the problem without pulling the plugs. Changed the ECU and she still refuses to start again. This is getting ridiculous and I'm now starting to wonder if it's something very peculiar like a poor connection in a switch cluster or God alone knows what else.

I am genuinely stumped now and am getting to the point where I am seriously considering a witch doctor or an exorcist!


Legendary Knight
Why commiserations? That's a polite way of saying better!
Have you heard @Don the Don speak English? Bostin.
This is getting ridiculous and I'm now starting to wonder if it's something very peculiar like a poor connection in a switch cluster or God alone knows what else.
I think crap like that is more likely than ECU faults on a 20 year old bike.
Pure bastard to diagnose. I think you'd get an EML if it were sensor/ecu related.
You're getting wet plugs so it's fuelling. Fires up if the plugs are pre heated etc so I'd be looking at a weak spark or a reason for overfuelling at startup. And a piece of luck.


Legendary Knight
Overfuelling is my suspicion as well @chas but the fuel is determined by what is laughingly called the 'brain' of the bike based on input from the Lambda (O2) Sensor in the Exhaust, the air temperature sensor in the airbox, the Crankshaft position sensor and, I believe, even the fecking coolant temperature sensor. One thing I have noticed that you, @Doc Strange and anyone else with a 955i may have a comment on is that, when I switch her on 188 comes up on the Speedo and, when I prod the starter the screen goes blank until I take my finger off the starter again. My Sprint also brings up 188 but, when I prod the starter on it it only goes blank for a very brief moment and then displays normally again. If y'all could see how your display responds to the starter being prodded I'd be grateful to know. I have even wondered if it could be something to do with the right hand switch cluster or clocks. I know that all these sound far fetched but I'm having to consider every possible electrical or mechanical possibility no matter how outlandish it may be.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Might it be as simple as a sticking EGR valve or even light corrosion on the engine end of the battery strap? Vacuum hose leaks? Your ECU will also read off the throttle position sensor. There's a myriad of wee things on a fuel injected machine that need to play together.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
It's my cousins first language. Their English is quite the equal of yours. I think we'd be better not shoving it on every sign or vehicle in parts of the country where it was never spoken.
Hooray for him, but TODAY English is the language required how far will bog trotter languages get you in the modern world, I may not have the best command of our glorious English language but I have got this far in life without the need to talk a language that very few know or need I assume you will have some smart answer but not having your level of command of the English language will just give you an answer on my level "Bollox"