The real sick joke I find is that Poileas, Ambaileans etc. are not Gaelic words in any way and are part of what I see as the harmful damage being done to the language. They are simply Gaelicised spellings of English words. Police and Ambulances didn't exist in the times when Gaelic was truly a living language and so had no words for such things but you could actually create real Gaelic words for such things rather than adopting English words and then fucking around with them to try and make them look a bit different. I find it funny too because there are letters that don't exist in the Gaelic alphabet like V, J and H and the 'inventors' go through all manner of hoops to invent Gaelic spelling such as TBh which is pronounce TeeVee because, while there is no 'V' or 'H' in Gaelic in certain circumstance a 'B' can sound like a 'V' if it has be 'lenited' which is symbolised using a little 'h' after the letter to be modified.
There are so many people who have learned the language from books and courses rather than living it amongst the people who know it and they are fucking about with all aspects of the language as if they owned it when they have no right and certainly not the intelligence. I am no expert grammarian and, while I love the language, I wasn't brought up speaking it and so I would never consider myself to have a right to make up words and screw about with it the way the Scottish Government and it's bastard army are. I have known native speakers who have spoken it all their lives being told off in online forums about how they use their own language by some dickhead from Switzerland or Brazil who has no Celtic heritage whatsoever but has learned the language from books of 'grammar' and thinks that, because a native speaker doesn't obey the rules of grammar as laid down in those books then the native must be wrong. That's one of the reasons you will rarely find a native Gaelic speaker willing to use his language except within his circle of trusted friends and family.