What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
Jeez BLD you are having a bad day ain't ya? the above could be taken as a direct and rather strong insult to our Ron if it was not thought to be a joke.
It's not a direct insult...Or an indirect one either...
@Ron No insult implied me old China..
@MartytheMartian Everything at times to me as a pink hue to it..Today for instance the sky the tarmac Road the fields people all seem to have a pink hue to them...
I try to pass it off as a joke most of the time but sometimes it really infuriates me..
I'm not infuriated now and passing it off as I'm daft as a brush but I definitely see pink or a hue of pink in things at times and other times the world looks covered in pink...
I have mentioned it at the eye clinic at hospital but they don't take me seriously 😒 🦆


Legendary Knight
Hmmm in any other context I would say you suffered from seeing the world through rose tinted spectacles @BAD LUCK DUCK but that just don't fit when you are opposed to a rose tint, Maybe you should embrace the Pink (not literally though!) My philosophy is that if someone has taken something from you then you fuckin' well take it back and, if Pink used to belong to real men then we should take it back. Rainbows and all the other bright colours too! A man should be entitled to use and like whatever colours please his eye, and that includes beautiful pink sunsets and sunrises.

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Hmmm in any other context I would say you suffered from seeing the world through rose tinted spectacles @BAD LUCK DUCK but that just don't fit when you are opposed to a rose tint, Maybe you should embrace the Pink (not literally though!) My philosophy is that if someone has taken something from you then you fuckin' well take it back and, if Pink used to belong to real men then we should take it back. Rainbows and all the other bright colours too! A man should be entitled to use and like whatever colours please his eye, and that includes beautiful pink sunsets and sunrises.
I’m enjoying your new found positive attitude @MartytheMartian very inspirational an d I’m taking on board what your saying with my new T-shirt



Forum Duck
It's not a direct insult...Or an indirect one either...
@Ron No insult implied me old China..
@MartytheMartian Everything at times to me as a pink hue to it..Today for instance the sky the tarmac Road the fields people all seem to have a pink hue to them...
I try to pass it off as a joke most of the time but sometimes it really infuriates me..
I'm not infuriated now and passing it off as I'm daft as a brush but I definitely see pink or a hue of pink in things at times and other times the world looks covered in pink...
I have mentioned it at the eye clinic at hospital but they don't take me seriously 😒 🦆
Actually the senior consultant took it seriously and tried to explain the reason behind it..
As my eye can no longer retract my left pupil remains fully dilated which means I receive too much light through that eye blah blah blah blah blah lost me something about eye dilated..
This can be compensated for with some prescription sunglasses to a degree but at £129 a pair I shall suffer pink eye a while longer 🤮