What have you done to your bike today....

Public Enemy

Staff member
Well I gave the bike a really thorough clean and been out all afternoon...Stopped to offer some bloke help who had some spanners out and a fag in is gob..Had a 30yr old virago that he'd done up..Absolutely stunning..so we bimbled about together for half hour whilst I led to Hartington down all the single track lanes..Had a great afternoon riding..Got approached by three hot young babes wanting a bit of Duck loving which made me smile..
Bike handled brilliantly smooth after really cleaning out them brakes..
I love riding a motorbike around the peak district 🦆
Got a photo of the hot young babes?


Legendary Knight
Got all the service stuff done today, good for another year. Got added tasks emerge like the idle control hoses being pretty fucked and resolving that. For interest to @MartytheMartian having pretty much non operational hoses didn't affect starting a jot. Idled a little higher is all.
Also the bodge connector on the LED indicators came off in my hand when I was taking the rad shrouds off for the coolant change. But all in all a succesful day. And it's a decent looking bike, innit. IMAG5725~2.jpg

Found a pic of my old 'blade in a similar spot in the garden...


Which wasn't a bad looking bus either.


Forum Duck
Got all the service stuff done today, good for another year. Got added tasks emerge like the idle control hoses being pretty fucked and resolving that. For interest to @MartytheMartian having pretty much non operational hoses didn't affect starting a jot. Idled a little higher is all.
Also the bodge connector on the LED indicators came off in my hand when I was taking the rad shrouds off for the coolant change. But all in all a succesful day. And it's a decent looking bike, innit. View attachment 17457

Found a pic of my old 'blade in a similar spot in the garden...

View attachment 17458

Which wasn't a bad looking bus either.
Top bike is brilliant...
I'm not saying anything about the other one...
See if you can all read my mind..I'm transmitting a thought wave with the power of Duck telepathy 🦆


Legendary Knight
Well today I spent a number of hours doing battle with the Daytona again. I have pulled and swapped the Injector rail with one from a Sprint, Swapped the Injector sub-harness, ECU and Crank position sensor for the ones from my scrapped sprint. Replaced the plugs and re-programmed the replacement ECU with a map for a 955i Daytona with sports exhaust that is also set to ignore any input from the Lambda sensor. Having done this she fired up and I then reduced the idle fuel trim. When I pulled them the plugs were quite sooty despite having only had a few minutes of running before the engine conked on me last which makes me think even more that over fuelling, especially at idle is the big problem. One thing I noticed right away when I got her running again was that the zorst has a different and less noxious smell than it did. I am wondering if this maybe has arisen because of the performance map that I wrote onto the ECU last year causing a gradual build-up of carbon when the engine was only being run at idle throughout the winter rather than getting regular long runs. Having read up a bit on what is what with these ECU maps it appears that the tuning company who developed the map that I put on has settings in it that rely on the lambda sensor being in operation to determine fuelling levels where, it seems, most modified Daytona's have map values for the same settings that stop the ECU using the Lambda sensor to determine fuelling levels. Only time will tell but hopefully, keeping the idle fuel trim settings lowered will prove the solution or, alternatively, that one or more of the the parts I have swapped over were faulty and have now been eliminated.

I suspect that the combination of the Map I got for her last year and a regimen of idling the bike for some minutes on a regular basis throughout the winter has been the real problem but a failing IACV valve was also a contributing factor. Only time will tell but fingers crossed I have got somewhere with the beggar. I am now determined to really study my Triumph workshop manual, and the Haynes for good measure, and pay particular attention to how the ECU and EFi work in detail.

Oh, for good measure I have bunged some injector cleaner in as well.
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Legendary Knight
Well, because of the Sports exhaust and possibility of a faulty Lambda sensor I can't really go back to the factory settings but hopefully leaning out the idle fuel setting and going back to a map similar to the one that was on her when I got her I can at least eliminate the performance map as a possible cause of the problem. With the Lambda sensor taken out of the equation, achieved I am led to understand by people who know about such things by setting all AF/1 and AF/2 settings in the map down to below 14.5 I can rule it out. I think I can also rule out the parts I've replaced - Injector rail, ECU, crank sensor, plugs, battery and injector loom. If the problem reappears then I have a few less things to consider.

I suppose there is an outside chance that valve clearances could be at fault though I seriously doubt it or even a leaking head gasket but I doubt that either as this problem was present before I changed the oil and there was no sign of coolant in the oil that I drained out. In a worst case scenario, apart from the main loom, which isn't shared with the Sprints I could actually strip the entire electrical and fuel injection system from my running Sprint and put it on the Daytona but that's a last ditch one because I rather like the Sprint and don't want to lose the use of her even if she is suffering from leprosy of the tank although I have finally stripped my spare tank completely back to the wood with a view to re-finishing it one way or another either by wrapping in vinyl or paint of some description. In two years of keeping an eye out I have been totally unable to find a good replacement tank.


Legendary Knight
I think if you can get the Dayt running just put some miles on it and blow the crap out.
After tales of idle valve woes I was so surprised to find my hoses (bearing in mind my bike was in regular use) were non existent at the valve end and hadn't created a terminal problem. I'm a great believer in if you want to keep a machine running you keep running it.