What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
I always had a fancy for the GPZ900R and GPZ1100 myself @Big Sandy but, like you, I just never had the funds.

@Old Nick I can get on board with the use of the rainbow but I must admit the message of 'Love' is really rather stretching it. I reserve 'Love' for a very few people in my life and don't believe it's a widespread or even common emotion amongst humanity in general. I think I would have the same type of text but with 'I Hate People but I do love bright colours' written in it!

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
I always had a fancy for the GPZ900R and GPZ1100 myself @Big Sandy but, like you, I just never had the funds.

@Old Nick I can get on board with the use of the rainbow but I must admit the message of 'Love' is really rather stretching it. I reserve 'Love' for a very few people in my life and don't believe it's a widespread or even common emotion amongst humanity in general. I think I would have the same type of text but with 'I Hate People but I do love bright colours' written in it!
Ah that’s better normal service resumed:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Hooray for him, but TODAY English is the language required how far will bog trotter languages get you in the modern world, I may not have the best command of our glorious English language but I have got this far in life without the need to talk a language that very few know or need I assume you will have some smart answer but not having your level of command of the English language will just give you an answer on my level "Bollox"
That's actually spelt 'bollocks'!

Anyway I wasn't being rude about your English so much as promoting Jimmy's scholarship. Be careful with the big trotter line though. There are some would have you speaking Chinese and we nearly wound up speaking German. The Romans also thought they alone were civilised and everyone else inferior. History is littered with arrogant failures who overshot the target.


Forum Duck
My bike was covered in a grey powder when I finished work last night so I took it to a jet wash thst I knew would be open..it's cleared most of it off but left the bike looking a bit dull in places..
I wanna go give it a good clean and go for a ride but unfortunately the landlady and come September ex wife are both outside so I'm now thinking just grab the bike and fook off before I get dragged into anything...
What you all reckon..
A day of pandering and doing shit gardening to appease landlady and hiding or leg it quick on the bike for a bit, grab my poorly girlfriend and a bottle of whiskey, drag her back to mine and make sweet loving by the fire like chef says in South Park 😳🦆

Public Enemy

Staff member
My bike was covered in a grey powder when I finished work last night so I took it to a jet wash thst I knew would be open..it's cleared most of it off but left the bike looking a bit dull in places..
I wanna go give it a good clean and go for a ride but unfortunately the landlady and come September ex wife are both outside so I'm now thinking just grab the bike and fook off before I get dragged into anything...
What you all reckon..
A day of pandering and doing shit gardening to appease landlady and hiding or leg it quick on the bike for a bit, grab my poorly girlfriend and a bottle of whiskey, drag her back to mine and make sweet loving by the fire like chef says in South Park 😳🦆
2nd option.


Legendary Knight
My bike was covered in a grey powder when I finished work last night so I took it to a jet wash thst I knew would be open..it's cleared most of it off but left the bike looking a bit dull in places..
I wanna go give it a good clean and go for a ride but unfortunately the landlady and come September ex wife are both outside so I'm now thinking just grab the bike and fook off before I get dragged into anything...
What you all reckon..
A day of pandering and doing shit gardening to appease landlady and hiding or leg it quick on the bike for a bit, grab my poorly girlfriend and a bottle of whiskey, drag her back to mine and make sweet loving by the fire like chef says in South Park 😳🦆

No competition, whiskey and shagging wins every time.

If you pamper the girlfriend, give her an intimate hair cut, and take her from behind, then you can tell the landlady you spent the day trimming a bush and uphill gardening ;)


Legendary Knight
My bike was covered in a grey powder when I finished work last night so I took it to a jet wash thst I knew would be open..it's cleared most of it off but left the bike looking a bit dull in places..
I wanna go give it a good clean and go for a ride but unfortunately the landlady and come September ex wife are both outside so I'm now thinking just grab the bike and fook off before I get dragged into anything...
What you all reckon..
A day of pandering and doing shit gardening to appease landlady and hiding or leg it quick on the bike for a bit, grab my poorly girlfriend and a bottle of whiskey, drag her back to mine and make sweet loving by the fire like chef says in South Park 😳🦆
Refer the Landlady to your 'Tenancy Agreement' ;)

Like we've said before, get the fuck out.

I've spent most of today mowing the moss that extends over the acerage. Tomorrow is 'Big Bike Service Day' and the bloody kids are over. I shall still be servicing the bike but woe betide any little shit that knocks over a tray of nuts and bolts. Or kicks over the oil drain tray.

Grandad. Is. Busy.


Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
*recalls many happy hours of arguing over the use of ‘spelt’ and ‘spelled’*

Spelt is a type of wheat, as well as past and past particle of ‘spell’. Funny how some insist it’s just wheat…. So, both right, but it don’t stop fowk arguing over it 🤣 Oh, the wooden spoons what I wore out with my stirring.
Spelt is like me; primitive and not selectively bred 🫣


Forum Duck
Well I gave the bike a really thorough clean and been out all afternoon...Stopped to offer some bloke help who had some spanners out and a fag in is gob..Had a 30yr old virago that he'd done up..Absolutely stunning..so we bimbled about together for half hour whilst I led to Hartington down all the single track lanes..Had a great afternoon riding..Got approached by three hot young babes wanting a bit of Duck loving which made me smile..
Bike handled brilliantly smooth after really cleaning out them brakes..
I love riding a motorbike around the peak district 🦆