What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
Waiting for the car to go on a low loader (or more accurately, fucking turn up) thought I'd have a go at getting the ignition barrel out.
the drills in the extractor set didn't seem to touch the bolts so used the old school method of using a centre punch to nudge it round until it'd unscrew with pliers/hand
Fairly obvious where the problem is!
All soldered and back together now.


Legendary Knight
I've heard that there are shoes out there now that makes drums much better than they were in the past so I'll need to look into it. I might invest in a length of rope and an achor though :ROFLMAO:

Believe it or not I'm sure I saw a Bullet for sale recently and it had been fitted with a Harley Sportster front end though I'm not sure if you could call that an improvement. On the plus side I think you can buy a whole new Bullet front end for about the cost of a pint of beer and a packet of fags well, about six hundred quid or thereabouts which would get you half a fork leg for a Thai Bonneville.
Dont know if this is of any use to you Marty , no doubt the Royal Enfield has mush more grunt than my old Tiger cub but the standard brakes were shockingly shite , i looked everywhere for a grooved style brake shoe couldnt find any ( now readliy available ) so bought a new original set for front and rear and carefully filed some grooves into them , making sure i slightly radiused the leading and trailing edges of the groove so they didnt " bite on " still crap compared to modern standards but much better than the originals , its just a thought ebc_ebc-brakes-grooved-brake-shoes-1.jpg

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Nice couple of days of biking activity.

Not too busy, not too slow with Blood Bikes yesterday and even got out of town on a longer run between two rural hospitals.

And a bimble today that included the obligatory cuppa and cake stop.

Lots of bikes out - a couple of big groups too.

Managed to avoid turning on the heated grips today - but it's getting close :)



Legendary Knight
Lord I still marvel at the existence of heated grips and heated gloves.... Not my style at all. I'll rather freeze me fingers off.

I've got both, having the ability to still feel your fingers when riding in the cold is so reassuring, and painless, as my fingers used to physically hurt pretty quickly if it was really cold... I'm a wimp and I know it ;)

Heated grips a must, heated gloves a luxury IMO.


Legendary Knight
Well maybe I have a natural defense mechanism against that cold that means I don't need them. I have a healthy layer of blubber and neanderthal physiology. When I do feel cold in my hands, which is rare, it's always on the backs of my fingers where heated grips wouldn't really help as far as I can see. My palms are alway warm and toasty.


Forum Duck
I've just gone to change my front brake pads but bellend the nob sucking twat face hex or whatever you call it screw on the right side of the brake fluid reservoir ain't having a bar of it...
Now I need to open it up so when I push the pistons back into place the fluid can gush out the reservoir onto a rag like a birds pussy when she's on the blob...
I don't know what this screws problem is but it's fast becoming an angle grinder situation...
God damn commie bastard cheap Chinese shit...🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🦆Screenshot_20220927-121208_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20220927-121159_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20220927-121156_Gallery.jpg


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I supplied that cap in the box of bits n bobs for the bike. But I'm 95% sure that you fitted it at a later date. Did the allen key slip when you were tightening the fixings?

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Take it slowly. Push back one piston at a time and fit the new pad, then do the other. You may not need to remove the m/c top at all......
Unless you have already topped up the reservoir a slow steady push should displace fluid back up to the master cylinder. If necessary dismount the entire caliper and use a lever or G clamp/cramp to depress both sides. Any bleeding required can wait for you to tackle the bolt in slow time with penetrating oil. I use 1/2" Allen keys in my impact driver for just such awkward sods.


Legendary Knight
Unless you have already topped up the reservoir a slow steady push should displace fluid back up to the master cylinder. If necessary dismount the entire caliper and use a lever or G clamp/cramp to depress both sides. Any bleeding required can wait for you to tackle the bolt in slow time with penetrating oil. I use 1/2" Allen keys in my impact driver for just such awkward sods.
Which is why I never top up unless there has been fluid loss.


Forum Duck
Unless you have already topped up the reservoir a slow steady push should displace fluid back up to the master cylinder. If necessary dismount the entire caliper and use a lever or G clamp/cramp to depress both sides. Any bleeding required can wait for you to tackle the bolt in slow time with penetrating oil. I use 1/2" Allen keys in my impact driver for just such awkward sods.
I topped it up way back when I put the new sexy looking cap on but have not touched it since...
I've left it be for now as I don't want to knacker it up..
I've banged some WD40 on it for now and will see about picking up yet another set of Allen keys later as I lose them as much as I lose 10mm sockets...🦆


Forum Duck
The bolt on the left is no problem at all but the one on the right just feels wrong and nothing seems to fit just right..I don't get it...they are exactly the same...🦆