You're a grumpy b@stard after my own heart Marty.Adverts! Man adverts have always been annoying but there are ones on the telly that are not only shite but also so annoying that I find myself unconsciously reaching for things to put through the telly.
Two in particular really get on my wick -
One for some payment system where the person announces that the have it and a bunch of ridiculous twats all go ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh for ages and the other is the Dominos one with a bunch of tossers yodelling. Jeesus are there muppets in this country who actually find those adverts amusing?
That Dominos advert has me swearing at the telly!
It is ridiculous & massively annoying. But, is it doing what its creators intended it to do?
We are talking about it