What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
The ward didn't record me leaving, chased them last week after physio in Manchester had no record of me :(
What do you expect? Care? They don’t look after the clinical staff that look after you.

Sounds like you’ve banged a nerve. They can be slower to repair than a cut or bruise. If you Google shoulder or arm nerve damage you should find something resembling your symptoms and see if it accords with your recollection of the impact.

The Departed

^^^ The boss reckons it's "Triceps tendonitis". Makes sense but man it's annoying if I have to rest.


Legendary Knight
Be a bastard squeaky wheel @BB3Lions, last thing you want is something setting wrong and needing rebroke to fix. Unless the Quasimodo look is on your bucket list.
Father in Law had a fall April last year and broke his shoulder. He gets an Op at the end of this week to fix it. Non priority, innit! If you don't kick up a stink you'll be sidelined.