You'll need to bear with me on this rant. As it isn't really designed for you guys. It's designed for future Google searches for the same issue.
I needed to replaced the batteries in my Panasonic wireless headphones. That I use to watch telly (due to me being a cloth earned f#cker)
The original batteries are what I thought were a regular pair of 1.2v AAA rechargeable batteries? So the obvious choice was to purchase a pair or Duracell rechargeables with the same spec.
However, they wouldn't charge & neither would Energisers or cheap Llytrons?
The base station/charging station didn't play ball & wouldn't charge the headphones with the Duracell's or any other type of AAA' s inserted?
Yet charging the batteries in a standalone charger would result in the headphones working fine
Long story short...
After 90 minutes on the phone/live chat to Panasonic & getting absolutely nowhere!
I discovered this & with zero thanks to them!
Check out these photos
Looks normal enough doesn't it.
Now look just below the red dot in my edited photo
You'll see a small metal tang sticking out. Just above the spring contact for the negative end of the AAA.
Now look at the "genuine" Panasonic battery. Priced at £12 for 2!
That 5mm of exposed metal needs to make contact with that strip shown below my red dot in photo number 2. Otherwise the charging station doesn't recognise the presence of the headphones
5mm of tin foil to make that contact has solved the built in problem courtesy of Panasonic
I'm a big fan of Panasonic products. But this "only OUR batteries will work Sir" scam has really annoyed me
To further assist Google searches . The "genuine" part number is HHR-4AGE