What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?

half ton

Legendary Knight
I don't mind someone like Idris Elba taking the roll as a black man would be fine.....start getting into minority beliefs and fantasies about shit like gender and they can stuff it up their Binary arsehole.....I presume these fuckin mental cases haven't changed the name for an arse yet

half ton

Legendary Knight
James Bond is White, Male, shags every female he can, and drinks like a fish, any deviation from that and they can fook off
Don ..... he could be Black British and still shag anything with a pulse,I think we get too embroiled in ethnicity on TV, I blame all the ads with at least 60% black actors,But Idris as Bond I would enjoy purely because he can act. Now if they throw in a Chinese Money Penny, and a Russian M then I would get pissed


Legendary Knight
Haven't watched a Bond film of any description in many, many moons but I am not surprised that they are contemplating the idea of making the character a deviant pervert. The End is Nigh! In the news today apparently in Scotland from now on if a woman, or I presume a man, is raped by someone who 'identifies' as a woman the rape will be recorded by the Police as having been committed by a woman! The lunatics really are in charge of the asylum now.

I came across a program on the goggle box today about a chap called Saint Malachy from medieval Ireland who is supposed to have made a prediction that the current Pope will be the last pope and his reign will be terminated by the beginning of the apocalypse.