Old Nick
Legendary Knight
Just gone through all 3 NIPS and 2 are for doing 36 in a 30 that’s 1 mph over usually allowed tolerance of 10% plus 2That really stinks!
Are they also outside the 14 day period? If so might be worth finding out how much legal assistance will cost vs the increase in your insurance over the next 5 years?
Looking around the web for barroom lawyer advice it looks like first step is to complete the NIP and return them, then go to court and challenge the passage of time invalidating the NIP
So the cockamamy plan I have hatched this morning is to send one NIP back today and the other two Monday week in the hope I will get a driver training course instead of points for the first one and presumably points for the other two
If that doesn’t work then I’ll look at speaking to a lawyer
6 points has to be better than 9 for insurance and any other minor transgression with my right foot/wrist over the next 3 years