Legendary Knight
The PPE scandal and how the current administration have profited (essentially stealing our money) is the biggest scandal for me with covid.Especially considering the last two years with the restrictions imposed on us supposedly to "save the NHS", and all those billions spent and wasted on PPE, Track & Trace, Testing, Vaccines. If those billions had been spent on the NHS, it might have saved it, think of all the hospitals that could have been built or improved, and all the Doctors and Nurses that could have been paid for, or recruited and trained.
I know a lot of you sneer at the Grauniad but I don't get why this isn't more widely reported.
Tory peer uses her position to get an unscrutinised bid to provide PPE from a startup firm she has interests in (PPE Medro). Buys PPE from China for £46 million. Sells to NHS for £122 million. Some margin.
NHS rejects the PPE as unuseable. £122 million down the bog and nobody held accountable.

Government paid firm linked to Tory peer £122m for PPE bought for £46m
PPE Medpro, which is linked to Michelle Mone, appears to have made huge profit on 25m gowns that were never used by NHS