I know where you are coming from on the neighbours
@Big Sandy Yesterday I was at the shed and writing a new map onto the Daytona plus a little tweaking of the settings which involved a spot of revving as well. As I stopped I heard someone shouting and something just told be it was directed at me and it was a neighbour across the cul-de-sac from me shouting that the noise I was making was 'scaring his wee dog' and how I was ignorant for making so much noise on several occasions over the last few weeks (while trying to fix the bike). The guy has never so much as said hello since he moved in across there about two years ago although he has been in the village for years. As a lot of his family live in the village too I decided to not rip his lungs out and tear him a new arsehole for good measure but by Christ it was a close run thing and if he hadn't kept a safe distance I doubt I'd have been able to resist landing one on him. I spoke to a guy I know in the village who is kind of at the centre of village life and he says that the guy is a wee bit unhinged and is best ignored, as he often flies off the handle about fuck all. He suggested that he 'might have not had his meds' yesterday so I guess he's got 'issues'.
The thing is, if this absolute fuckwit had come to me, whenever my working on and running the Daytona had started bothering him, I would have been happy to see what I could do to stop it bothering him but, like a lot of arseholes I think he has built up and simmered anger until the dam broke and ended up making him look like a prize tosser screaming his head off irrationally. No need for him to stand a hundred yards away screaming at the top of his lungs at three in the afternoon over a few revs of an engine.