I don't believe Liz Truss created financial chaos, that was faux chaos manufactured to depose her. I believe that mini budget would have genuinely helped the majority of ordinary people, but the globalists didn't want that. The financial crisis that we are currently in was, in the main, caused over the last 2-3 years with all the money that was irresponsibly and recklessly thrown away during COVID, and during that time we also experienced what I think may have been the biggest transfer of wealth from ordinary working people to the super rich in history.
I've just watched an TV interview that Sunak has just given, what a slimy git he is

, trying to blame the country's financial problems on Liz Truss, she was only in the job for about 40 days, the mini budget only in place for about a week before being rolled back. Sunak was the Chancellor of the Exchequer for two years from 2020 to 2022 and Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 2019 to 2020, so he is responsible for the fucked up mess we are in, and the bastard is now going to make us pay for his financial fuck up. Sunak is claiming that he has to fill a £50 billion hole, well he could have done that about 8 times over with the around £400 billion he spent during COVID
I even more now believe that this is a plan to strip wealth and assets away from ordinary people, leaving us with nothing. Then with the introduction of digital ID and digital currency, the elites can have total control removing any dissent, thus forcing us to appear to be happy whilst we own nothing