They have ruined most of Europe.Incompetent arseholes have ruined my country and the futures of my children and grandchildren. Unforgiveable.
Blacks to the left & Blacks to the right......we're doomed
It's depressing, what's more depressing is the fck wits that welcome them. People need to vote Reform UK even if it let's Labour in, people lent the Tories their vote and the Tories or whoever is pulling their strings have shit on them.
Rear sprocket drive chain insert thieving scumbags fingers between the two turn rear wheel slowly he wont use that hand to thieve again.A very hard working lad, had his only transport torched by thieving scumbags!
Teen's motorbike torched days after he bought it
An apprentice mechanic was devastated after his bike was stolen and set alight while he was out celebrating completing part of his
I went to a small bike show at a steam powered pumping station in the in on the cheap as they gave me a senior citizen ticket, It now has pride of place stuck on my computer monitorWell this one isn't boiling my piss today per se but rather has been boiling my piss for two weeks now. We lost our BT Fibre broadband landline and even our mobile connection two weeks ago although the mobiles came back on late on the first day. BT Openreach sent out an engineer the following day and he couldn't fix the fault and said that I'd be lucky to get an engineer out again until at least the middle of the next week.
Now here's the kicker - The bugger told me to phone up the BT help desk and play up on the fact that I'm an 'elderly gentleman'!!!!!!! I'm only fifty feckin' years old. If I had thought that the wee bastard was taking the piss I'd have decked him but it appeared that he genuinely thought he was talking to an 'elderly gentleman'! I know I've hard a moderately hard paper round but being taken for 'elderly' is beyond the pale!
either you look like shit marty or he clocked the Enfields and thought only old farts ride themNow here's the kicker - The bugger told me to phone up the BT help desk and play up on the fact that I'm an 'elderly gentleman'!!!!!!! I'm only fifty feckin' years old. If I had thought that the wee bastard was taking the piss I'd have decked him but it appeared that he genuinely thought he was talking to an 'elderly gentleman'! I know I've hard a moderately hard paper round but being taken for 'elderly' is beyond the pale!