What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Forum Duck
Oh and now she just came in trying to talk all nicey nicey..
That wouldn't have anything to do with the fact I just took the girls around the back garden and started ranting to myself about how much I fucking hate living with you and I can't wait to be able to fook off on my motorbike and given the opportunity I won't ever be coming back..
I didn't realise she had gone out the other door gone through the other field and was standing behind a bush right next to me...
Well tough shit...


Forum Duck
Have I mentioned I hate posh twats cos if I ain't then you should all know that I fucking hate posh twats..especially ones that think they are superior to you and talk to you like your five years old, they don't know what they are talking about but they know everything because your a peasant that may have thirty years of experience in a particular thing and they know fuck all but they are posh so fuck the peasants...

come the revolution...
One of these days Alice 😡😡😡😡🦆

Public Enemy

Staff member
Have I mentioned I hate posh twats cos if I ain't then you should all know that I fucking hate posh twats..especially ones that think they are superior to you and talk to you like your five years old, they don't know what they are talking about but they know everything because your a peasant that may have thirty years of experience in a particular thing and they know fuck all but they are posh so fuck the peasants...

come the revolution...
One of these days Alice 😡😡😡😡🦆
Alice? Who the fuck is Alice? :ROFLMAO:


Forum Duck
Netflix as boiled my piss big time by having a totally misleading movie description...
Don't describe something as a murder mystery supernatural theme when its really about two puffs and transgender bender shit..I would not have even considered watching the movie if I had known that..By the way that movie was boring as shit and I was only watching it to use the subtitles as an excuse to ignore my wife...
I'm well pissed off now..
What happened to real movies where men were men women were women and everyone got shot...

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
LLoyds send us a quote to renew our house and content insurance - gone up by @16%

Get on the phone, tell them I'd found quotes even cheaper than what I was currently paying online (I hadn't; I hadn't even bothered looking).

They come back with a quote that was LESS than we are currently paying for the same cover - result!

But as I said to the guy on the phone, it's disgusting that they prey on the old and vulnerable that don't know the game is to ring up rather than foolishly believe that any financial institution will show loyalty toward their existing customers and not try to rip them off.



Legendary Knight
Insurance companies are like Bookmakers to my mind. Nothing is fixed but they stack the odds very much in their favour whenever they can. If you threaten to leave they calculate the odds and decide whether they can take the risk on letting you have the policy for cheaper and, if you aren't a high risk in the first place then it's in their interests to keep taking your money.


Legendary Knight
I fitted some accessories to the Monster, only a gear indicator, engine guard and the Ducati touring seat. So I thought I'd better tell the insurance company, just so they can't use them as an excuse for non payment if I ever had to claim. Previously when I have done the same it was simply "ok, we have made a note on your policy"... this time it cost me £30, not for a change in cover, but a fucking admin fee 🤬 Absolute theiving wankers! 😡


Legendary Knight
Netflix as boiled my piss big time by having a totally misleading movie description...
Don't describe something as a murder mystery supernatural theme when its really about two puffs and transgender bender shit..I would not have even considered watching the movie if I had known that..By the way that movie was boring as shit and I was only watching it to use the subtitles as an excuse to ignore my wife...
I'm well pissed off now..
What happened to real movies where men were men women were women and everyone got shot...
What's the name of the film, just asking for a friend 😘

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
@BAD LUCK DUCK im with you on toffs.

Used to have to tolerate a different bunch of toffs every week. (I was in charge of servicing generators, argos, tractors, and maintenance etc on a shooting estate) and you would not believe how forking stupid some of them were. The Stalker would say "you can suffer an idiot for a, week". But it was a, different idiot every week. Show them how to start the boat engine, leave them to it, 20 minutes later, phone call "were in the middle of the Loch and the boat won't start". "Use the fucking oars then!" Naaah, they expect me to row out to them and start the thing for them.

The stalker lost it with one... They pay a premium to stalk and shoot a stag. The stalker chooses the beast, maybe thinning the herd, making way for a younger stag... Anyway, this toff had pissed him off, so he had him crawling in all the wettest ditches, through bogs, you name it. And when it came to taking the shot the toff deliberately missed. So up stands Bertie, grabs the dudes rifle off him (steyr-mannlicher I think it was. Wasn't much of it left! ) and smashes it off a rock for him. The rest of the party were in full agreement with the stalker.

Judd Dredd

Merlin, Giver Of Drugs & Magic Potions.
Staff member
rode into work, got pulled by the old bill..... did full background and bike check despite my NHS ID and clearly dressed in uniform under my jacket.

reason I got pulled?

'it was suspicious to see a motorcycle like yours on the road at 7am on a sunday morning'. :mad: (jumped up prick)


Legendary Knight
Further to the insurance subject I was talking to my mother's husband on the blower the other night and he was saying that he changed his white Mini for a British Racing green one and updating his insurance there was no additional charge for the insurance but, as with myself and Scrappy, £30 charge for changing the details of the insured vehicle.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
rode into work, got pulled by the old bill..... did full background and bike check despite my NHS ID and clearly dressed in uniform under my jacket.

reason I got pulled?

'it was suspicious to see a motorcycle like yours on the road at 7am on a sunday morning'. :mad: (jumped up prick)
Over the years I've found that thinking "Jumped up prick!"
But saying "Yes officer, no officer, whatever you say officer"
Works far better, & rarely results in a ticket.
Some (not all) were bullied at school, are henpecked at home & are generally socially awkward.
Being a Cop gives them the power & control, they'd never otherwise have the balls to carry off!

Humour them & play by their rules for 10 minutes. Then drive/ride away with a smug smile on your face 😉


Legendary Knight
Over the years I've found that thinking "Jumped up prick!"
But saying "Yes officer, no officer, whatever you say officer"
Works far better, & rarely results in a ticket.
Some (not all) were bullied at school, are henpecked at home & are generally socially awkward.
Being a Cop gives them the power & control, they'd never otherwise have the balls to carry off!

Humour them & play by their rules for 10 minutes. Then drive/ride away with a smug smile on your face 😉
Agree with you but....

In the same situation I've generally been riding like a cunt and they've not got a reading, had a bike with obvious defects that I've had to blag etc

In Judd's case, what. the. actual. fuck was the justification for stopping him?


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
In the same situation I've generally been riding like a cunt and they've not got a reading, had a bike with obvious defects that I've had to blag etc
That's exactly how I came to develop my strategy Chas.
If you're riding/driving like c#nt & you get caught.
Denying it, trying to justify it or worse still getting arsey with them. Is not a good move!
However, putting your hands up to the offence, admitting you did wrong & apologising often works wonders 🙂

Then you get to ride/drive away muttering "Jumped up prick!" 😉

Did you ever see my post on our previous home about my race with a bike Cop? That was a perfect example of what was a totally justifiable 2yr ban. Turned into a laugh & no ticket 🙂


Legendary Knight
I agree with your analysis of the cops @DD67 and, in particular the 'Special Cuntstubbles'. I worked with a guy who was a 'Special' in his spare time. The guy was pathetic when he worked with us, anyone could push him around and he was shacked up with this nasty bird about fifteen years older than him who took all his pay off him each week and gave him pocket money. I felt sorry for the wee creep until one day one of my colleagues was saying that he happened come across the guy 'on duty' and he was busy laying into some poor drunk geezer fit to kill him. I changed my view of him from 'pitiable excuse for a man' to 'utter jumped up little scumbag'.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
A speshul cuntstubble is only doing that because they don't have bus conductors any more.

If it's any consolation, regular fuzz hate them too.
Apparently that depends on how useful said "speshul c#ntstabble" proves to be to them?
Allegedly, if said "Speshul C#ntstabble" is worth his or her salt? They can become highly respected members of the team.
Even with the plain clothes guys?
I've heard of SC's that became part time members of drugs squads. And skipped doing the usual SC duties completely.
I think it boils down to the SC in question Sandy, not all SC's are the same mate.