Legendary Knight
Found out at 0930 this morning that I look like gettin made redundant tomorrow or Friday. We knew t'building I maintain was gettin sold, but it's dragged on for months. I expected a few weeks notice, not 2 fuckin days!! Although I come wi t'building, there's a loophole int TUPE law, about buying commercial properties, so we've all bin given notice. T'maintenance company I work for dunt think they have enough work elsewhere to keep me, but I am gonna get some redundancy. I need to work cos of mi Grandson, so got to cobble a cv together, as I dint think I'd need one again!
I feel for you @Foxy, it's especially shit when you're not as young as you once were

I've just been through a similar situation myself, my two business partners pulled the plug on our business at the beginning of January, both having too many other commitments and large income streams elsewhere. After applying for a job and being turned down for being too old and over qualified, and agencies only sending me management positions or jobs with stupid commutes, I decided fuck it... I'm now working a couple of night shifts a week in a supermarket, which so far I'm enjoying. I'm going to have to make some sacrifices and cut-backs, but it feels like honest work, and I have most of the week to myself.
I hope you find something suitable for yourself very soon.