Joke of the day.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
One day, two priests are traveling by car when they are stopped by a police officer.

The officer approaches the priests' car and says to the driver, "I'm sorry for stopping you, fathers, but we're looking for some child molesters."

The two priests look at each other for a few moments, then turn to the officer and say, "Okay, officer, we'll do it."


Legendary Knight
One day, two priests are traveling by car when they are stopped by a police officer.

The officer approaches the priests' car and says to the driver, "I'm sorry for stopping you, fathers, but we're looking for some child molesters."

The two priests look at each other for a few moments, then turn to the officer and say, "Okay, officer, we'll do it."
Two muslims were driving down the road.........................................

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
I took my 6 year-old grandson out to lunch yesterday. Before we started our meal he asked if he could say grace. Of course I agreed.
He closed his eyes and bowed his head and said:
“God, you are so kind and so good. Thank you for putting this food on my table.”
Then he added: “And, God, could you please make Grandpa buy me ice cream for afters.”
On hearing this, everyone in the restaurant laughed apart from one woman who said in a loud voice:
“That’s the trouble with children these days, they don’t know how to pray properly!”
This caused my grandson to burst into tears and he asked me: “Grandpa, have I done something wrong?”
Just then a man from the next table came over, put his hand on my grandson’s shoulder and said: “You did nothing wrong, young man. That was a lovely prayer. The problem with that lady is that she doesn’t have any soul.”
Of course I ordered some ice cream for my grandson when he had finished his main meal and when it arrived he did something that took me completely by surprise. He picked up his bowl of ice cream, took it over to the lady who had complained about his prayer, placed it in front of her and said: “Here, stick this up your @rse you miserable old cow!”
I was really touched!