What have you done to your bike today....

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I can't believe I'm saying this but have you thought about Adventure bikes? They'll give the 'captain sensible' vibe off to the wife but are far from grim to ride. I reckon a Tiger 1050 sport (at the risk of lighting @Sarky B’stard 's batsignal) would be an entertaining ride. Nigh on the same torque as my speedie and about the same power but in sensible clothes.
You called, Sir?


Don the Don

Legendary Knight
My right knee is titanium, and no muscle support with it so anything overly heavy is a no no.

I'll be honest I'm really struggling to think I can cruise at the speed limit. I might have to get the parachute out.
That's why I had to come off Adventure style bikes having knee issues I needed something I could easily plant both feet on the ground.
As for your speed issues maybe you need a Enfield Bullet or a C90 :whistle:


Legendary Knight
My right knee is titanium, and no muscle support with it so anything overly heavy is a no no.

I'll be honest I'm really struggling to think I can cruise at the speed limit. I might have to get the parachute out.
Don't be a debbie defeatist. Although you're fucked off to the power of eleventy, understandably.

Once you're a bit recuperated take some stuff out and see what fits your needs and your situation.

I managed to clang my hand in a circular saw that we ran with the guard off, kept the fingers but 'adjusted' them a little and thought I'd never play guitar again.

I can still play as badly as I ever did. You'll find another bike that works


Legendary Knight
I think the decision to go for something a bit slower like a bobber is actually not really worthwhile unless you actually like bobbers. The worst accident I ever had was on a 'custom' Kawasaki LTD440 at about thirty or forty. I was coming down a wide road at night and a stupid bitch in a car, pointing the same direction as me was signalling to turn right. I went to go up the inside of her as there was plenty of room but I didn't see the car facing the opposite direction that was turning right that the aforementioned stupid bitch flashed to turn across her bows and straight into the side of my bike just behind my right foot. Me and the bike went sailing up into the air before crashing down sideways and I took all the weight of the bike down on my hip. Point is, if some fecker is going to take you out it doesn't matter what kind of bike you are on. and, unless you are going about ten miles an hour the outcome is often the same whether it's at 30mph or 130mph.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Thanks all.

Q. The bike looks like a right off. Can I repurchase it to strip the parts at all?

Anyone recommend a cruiser/bobber - as apparently, the accident stats are lower.
From the way you talk, about the way you ride.
There's a good chance you'd hate a cruiser. Unless you're prepared to drastically alter your riding style?

Having said that, they do handle if you have balls the size of mutant water melons...
The lean angles & speed are impressive. But not as impressive as how close he gets to the rock face. Or the fact he's doing all of that whilst using a T-shirt & jeans for safety gear! 😳


Legendary Knight
From the way you talk, about the way you ride.
There's a good chance you'd hate a cruiser. Unless you're prepared to drastically alter your riding style?

Having said that, they do handle if you have balls the size of mutant water melons...
The lean angles & speed are impressive. But not as impressive as how close he gets to the rock face. Or the fact he's doing all of that whilst using a T-shirt & jeans for safety gear! 😳
Thanks for supplying some written context to the clip. It made me watch it


Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
Does swearing at the bastard count?

I got the offending nut holding the coolant pipe on, after a bit of cursing (and a flexible shaft screwdriver with T3 head) got the bolts out of the starter and the cable off the top. That bit involved no sweary words.

However, trying to actually pull the starter out... Bastard. Can just about grip it to twist it a bit, whilst pulling. I might have pulled it out by 1mm, maybe 2. Only thing holding it in should theoretically be the O ring on the starter body. I don't want to be levering it out, for fear of forking up a thread or casting.

Pain stopped 'play' again. Back to walking diagonally again.. M.O. reckons it might take a few more months to get things working right...

I'm missing the bike. I need to get that buzz.

Got a welding job on the Landy that needs doing.... I nearly ended myself replacing the shocks and springs on the T4...( Potholes here, burst one front and 1 rear shock. So £120 on 4 shocks and £130 on heavy duty springs. Couldn't just do an axle, could it? No. Replaced the rear springs as well whilst at it.) The Landy job is one I spotted whilst replacing... Wait for it.... The shocks. One bust on the front, one on the rear. Another £100 for 4. In short, things are getting on top of me a bit. But I ain't beat yet!


Legendary Knight
Does swearing at the bastard count?

I got the offending nut holding the coolant pipe on, after a bit of cursing (and a flexible shaft screwdriver with T3 head) got the bolts out of the starter and the cable off the top. That bit involved no sweary words.

However, trying to actually pull the starter out... Bastard. Can just about grip it to twist it a bit, whilst pulling. I might have pulled it out by 1mm, maybe 2. Only thing holding it in should theoretically be the O ring on the starter body. I don't want to be levering it out, for fear of forking up a thread or casting.

Pain stopped 'play' again. Back to walking diagonally again.. M.O. reckons it might take a few more months to get things working right...

I'm missing the bike. I need to get that buzz.

Got a welding job on the Landy that needs doing.... I nearly ended myself replacing the shocks and springs on the T4...( Potholes here, burst one front and 1 rear shock. So £120 on 4 shocks and £130 on heavy duty springs. Couldn't just do an axle, could it? No. Replaced the rear springs as well whilst at it.) The Landy job is one I spotted whilst replacing... Wait for it.... The shocks. One bust on the front, one on the rear. Another £100 for 4. In short, things are getting on top of me a bit. But I ain't beat yet!
Sounds bollocks. If I was local I'd give you a days labour

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
Sounds bollocks. If I was local I'd give you a days labour
Which would surely have been very much appreciated. :)

I'm getting things done, it's just taking longer. This welding job, it's a bulkhead foot, wing off, door off, angle grinder out, and remanufacture.... Would have taken me half a day, but just getting up and down to it is what's slowing things down. My vocabulary is growing, for sure. 🤣

The main thing is I have more than one vehicle*, so things can take longer, as long as I finish one job completely before starting another.

*Edit, to add... None of which is under 25 years old!
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Legendary Knight
My right knee is titanium, and no muscle support with it so anything overly heavy is a no no.

I'll be honest I'm really struggling to think I can cruise at the speed limit. I might have to get the parachute out.

I've just got back from a ride on the Bonneville, really enjoyed it, riding smooth just rolling on and off the throttle, not hanging about, but not warp speeds and flowing instead of the kind of frenetic riding that the Street Triple encourages. So if you can find a bike that you like, it doesn't have to be the fastest or most powerful to still have fun.


Legendary Knight
The main thing is I have more than one vehicle, so things can take longer, as long as I finish one job completely before starting another.
It is (esp when you've not had it in the past) a pure luxury to look at a problem vehicle and tell it to fuck off till you're in the mood to deal with it.

I'm glad you have that luxury Sir ;)

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
I'm glad you have that luxury Sir
Fuck yeah, me too. In the past we only had one vehicle, and being remote even then, if you broke something you were screwed. Learnt the hard way...

Yeah, everything is old, but up to recently it all had a schedule, now I'm playing catch up.

Mrs Big Sandy had a mobility car, which I drove. Had that for 12 months when the agency decided to do a review. Despite the fact she can hardly walk, they decided (over a telephone interview during lock down) that she didn't need it. Motability said that we had 6 weeks for an appeal before they took it off her. Well, benefits agency took 7 weeks to decide she was actually entitled to it, motability took the car back 10 days before the decision. So we lost that, and don't currently have the funds for a deposit on another. Hey ho.
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