What have you done to your bike today....

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Talkin of the bastard who nicked mi bike, a couple o years ago. Ar lass sent me an email a couple o weeks ago, titled "thought you might like this", wi an article from t'local paper in it. The twat who nicked mi bike had been stabbed int throat and died. Evidently he tried breaking into someones house to nick his cannabis plants. Shame that. Made my day. :)
It will be registered as a Covid death despite being natural causes in that line of work.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
The sensation of speed, the adrenalin rush, those Jesus WTF moments reminds me I'm alive considering I feel deas most of it. It's not that I want to kill myself; more, as said, know I can.

Sounds like you need a trackbike.

I ride like many to push my knowledge to learn more and read the roads better so I can increase speed safety. The acceleration, the twisties etc make me smile ;)

Getting home safety is just as important as getting out on the bike.

And to do something like IAM or ROSPA, or even 1:1 input if group stuff doesn't appeal.

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Legendary Knight
Case in point. Today I was driving down to Dunoon to take my missus to see her dentist. I crested a rise as a bike was just finishing overtaking a box van. Very shortly after that another bike popped out from behind the box van (think it was one of the Kwackasaki Versus jobbies) fully commited to overtaking with no going back. I had to slam on the anchors and he scraped between me and the van. If I hadn't been on the ball and braked hard he would have been toast as I am guessing that, in a showdown between a Renault Kadjar and a Kwakasacki at a combined collision speed of around 120mph+ there would be no contest. Riding in packs or even pairs can make people feel they have to take stupid risks in order to avoid being left behind and the inevitable slagging.

The Departed

Guy in the bed opposite me, another biker. Crookled walking in the woods two weeks ago, broke his femur in half, now needs a new hip.

Opposite to the left, the guy was racing on track Saturday, a low slide and slid into the raised rumble strips, tore his right knee in half.

If your cards marked you going down.

Steve 998cc

Legendary Knight
Broke my right femer in 3 places into the knee acting the cock ice skating when I was 17 . I was a good skater and used to speed skate in races till I broke my leg spraying ice up one of the dancers skirts when they are bent over tying there skate laces it just has to be done. Yes still a dick head at 65

Judd Dredd

Merlin, Giver Of Drugs & Magic Potions.
Staff member
Our relationship is purely platonic 😳

of course


Forum Duck
In 2000 he was confused & still finding his webbed feet.
Since then he's found that he's most comfortable identifying as a gun obsessed, misogynist, patriot with questionable views on multiculturalism. Who pretends to be homophobic to get cheap laughs.
Bless him 🙂
They ain't nothing wrong with cheap laughs fart jokes and piss taking in general...
It's kind of a dying tradition that I intend to keep alive as long as I draw breath 👍🦆

Public Enemy

Staff member
Made a start on pulling the lad's CG125 apart today. Was going to service the forks, but when I got them off the bike they are goosed. Heavy pitting on the chrome, seals in bits, almost no oil in there, And to top it off, they ain't straight.
Found a set of new old stock black forks with gaiters for 65 quid delivered so ordered those.

Tank off, needs a dent knocking out and a respray. Taking that to a local guy as I know I'd balls it up.

That was enough for one afternoon. Even the dog was fed up!20210629_162530.jpg20210629_144127.jpg20210629_144135.jpg20210629_144116.jpg