What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
I think there are motability cars that you can get with zero deposit @Big Sandy You should check out the motability website.

Just had a quick glance myself and there are quite a few there with zero advance payment although most of them take all the mobility allowance per month.

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
I think there are motability cars that you can get with zero deposit
We decided that we'd stick with what we have. That being said, we did look :). If the benefits dept hadn't dragged their feet we'd still have the one we had... (It was a Ford... Thing? Can't recall the actual model. A eurobox) Still, the extra funds are very handy every month.

I only have one derriere at the end of the day, can only drive one vehicle at a time. The T4 is the main vehicle for both of us, to be honest my good lady rarely leaves the house nowadays, hospital and docs appointments mostly, occasional visit to son in Thurso. T4 is more comfortable than the Landy by a long shot. :D wouldn't be difficult.

I could sell the Landy...:rolleyes: Yeah, right, that's going to happen. We've had it for 24 years now, and I'm not parting with it. I'd sell my soul first. (actually, it's maybe too late to be saying that....)


Legendary Knight
We decided that we'd stick with what we have. That being said, we did look :). If the benefits dept hadn't dragged their feet we'd still have the one we had... (It was a Ford... Thing? Can't recall the actual model. A eurobox) Still, the extra funds are very handy every month.

I only have one derriere at the end of the day, can only drive one vehicle at a time. The T4 is the main vehicle for both of us, to be honest my good lady rarely leaves the house nowadays, hospital and docs appointments mostly, occasional visit to son in Thurso. T4 is more comfortable than the Landy by a long shot. :D wouldn't be difficult.

I could sell the Landy...:rolleyes: Yeah, right, that's going to happen. We've had it for 24 years now, and I'm not parting with it. I'd sell my soul first. (actually, it's maybe too late to be saying that....)
If you were stuck fast and desperate, as @MartytheMartian says there's vehicles on nil advance (I signwrite the offers plastered over forecourt cars etc so get a gist of what's around). But if you've transport you actively like driving that works I'd have it in the 'in case of emergency' scenario.

You can get an MG3 with base spec with nil adv. Or other models that nobody else wants, if needs must there's no problem. But if you have a choice...

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I have come to the conclusion some of you are riding different motorcycles to me.

The accident stats thing has got chuff all to do with the dynamics of the bike itself and everything to do with the demographic that rides them - from the amateur Marquez without the talent to the archetypal hog on a Hog. Most bikes are far more capable than their riders. Mine always have been. I am proud of my chicken strips because Sturgeon’s care of our road system makes a fool and statistic of anyone taking liberties with that last 15% of available grip. I normally float a toe rather than drag a titanium knee. The patella is still skin and bone…..

And then there’s balance. The weight of a bike to a rider of even modest ability is relevant to how it rides rather than whether it can be ridden. Seat height is an issue for the vertically challenged but for confident and competent toe down is enough.

Consequently I think most of us are not physically constrained by our biking preferences so much as psychologically…… it’s all in the mind 🤪

Confidence is key to making decisions appropriate to our abilities. The problem with confidence is that it can so easily be misplaced if we aren’t completely honest with ourselves about how fat, myopic, slow, clumsy, unobservant etc., we are. I always watch drivers at junctions to ensure a clear line of sight from their eyes to me. Of course I do. Always until the distraction of a shapely figure hoves into view. But enough of my mirror fetish…..

Lee, don’t paint yourself into a corner and, while we’re mixing metaphors, don’t rush your fences. You have time enough to sift your thoughts.


Legendary Knight
I know where you are coming from @Big Sandy I don't even know half the time why I have a car sitting on my driveway as it rarely moves and usually only when my wife has a hospital appointment to attend as she is rarely fit to go out for pleasure and the journey's are most certainly a painful challenge for her. Groceries come courtesy of an ASDA van, purchases are made online for anything we need/want and delivered by the postman or a courier and, when I want to go out on my own the bike is first choice. I think the car has covered about eight hundred miles at absolute most this year.

On the accident statistics side of motorcycle choice I have to say that the most suicidal people I see passing through my neck of the woods seem to be on KTM's and BMW S1000 types. Around Loch Lomond in particular I see so many guys going up the white line, with oncoming traffic, at insane speeds just because the lead guy is doing it and the rest feel the need to follow. A twitch or a wobble and you're dead. That's one of the reasons I prefer to ride alone with no 'pack' of wannabe racers. I sometimes think that a lot of folks on two wheels are trying to kill themselves.
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Legendary Knight
The sensation of speed, the adrenalin rush, those Jesus WTF moments reminds me I'm alive considering I feel deas most of it. It's not that I want to kill myself; more, as said, know I can.
The benefits of youth you can take the risks.

Most of us old bastards can't afford to take the risks and expect to survive riding like a c#nt🙄 Be lucky 😁😁😁
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Legendary Knight
Just picked up on this after t'weekend, @BB3Lions. Fuckin wank news, mate. Hope you're not in too much pain this morning. I've had broken ribs, several times, so know how painful they can be. To me, thi bike dunt look too bad, but t'forks may be bent. Mine got wrote off for minor cosmetic damage, when some bastard tried to nick it, just cos t'insurance company wanted to. I couldn't believe t'engineers report. I bought it back, and am still riding it. As long as it NS, Non Structural.


Legendary Knight
Talkin of the bastard who nicked mi bike, a couple o years ago. Ar lass sent me an email a couple o weeks ago, titled "thought you might like this", wi an article from t'local paper in it. The twat who nicked mi bike had been stabbed int throat and died. Evidently he tried breaking into someones house to nick his cannabis plants. Shame that. Made my day. :)

The Departed

It's the sensation off shitting yourself isn't it, well it would be If I had to live on the edge like that

The benefits of youth you can take the risks.

Most of of old bastards can't afford to take the risks and expect to survive riding like a c#nt🙄 Be lucky 😁😁😁

My poor explanation as usual.

I don't ride like a cunt nor do I ride thinking I'm going to shit myself. I ride like many to push my knowledge to learn more and read the roads better so I can increase speed safety. The acceleration, the twisties etc make me smile ;)

Getting home safety is just as important as getting out on the bike.

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
My poor explanation as usual.

I don't ride like a cunt nor do I ride thinking I'm going to shit myself. I ride like many to push my knowledge to learn more and read the roads better so I can increase speed safety. The acceleration, the twisties etc make me smile ;)

Getting home safety is just as important as getting out on the bike.
I think it’s fair to say that’s how all of us like to approach riding (y)

Bikers who ride like cunts tend not to become old bikers that drive like cunts:unsure:

And this forum is full of old bikers:)


Forum Duck
Thanks all.

Q. The bike looks like a right off. Can I repurchase it to strip the parts at all?

Anyone recommend a cruiser/bobber - as apparently, the accident stats are lower.
You ain't a bobber kind of guy...
Go with what you like or you just won't be happy...
Unless of course you really do want a Bobber and are going to put your hair in platts wear a mini skirt high heels and call yourself Betty Big Boobs😳🤣🤣🤣🦆