What have you done to your bike today....

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
The bloke who wired up his van to give a thief a 1000w shock used something similar to this.

The Executioner Pro Fly Killer Mosquito Swatter Racket Wasp Bug Zapper Indoor Outdoor Over 55cm Long https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003T...abc_AGPQ4F1QE0AKZQ3H0D67?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Any idea how :)
Careful with your hand gel!

You have been warned but it’s pretty similar to a bike ignition using capacitor and coil


The Departed

Careful with your hand gel!

You have been warned but it’s pretty similar to a bike ignition using capacitor and coil

" We would recommend reading the instructions carefully and that the device is used far from any flammable substances." - If any muppet tried touching my container whilst holding a bottle of inflammable liquid, he's fucked.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight


Legendary Knight
I remember as a wee lad I was out exploring the local countryside and I came up to a field with a deep ditch in front of it. I jumped the ditch and grabbed the ordinary looking wire fence to stop myself toppling backwards. I felt this dull thump like I had been hit with a rock and then another and another but I couldn't see anyone throwing rocks at me. It was only then that I realised that the dull thumps were electricity coming at me through the fence!
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The Departed

Travellers would take the entire shit & shooting match.
The metal shed & everything in it! A repurposed bug zapper wouldn't stop them mate! 🤣

It's 75kg without the bike, no way to attach anything to it to lift and can't get under it with a chain etc.