What have you done to your bike today....

Steve 998cc

Legendary Knight
Steady on DD67 I've got a rescue lurcher and he hates them with a passion only has to hear them talk and he's ready to return what ever they did to him as a pup. Don't know what they did to him, but must have been bad he's 8 now, we got hin when he was 11months he's never forgot what ever it was. He's daft as a brush with everyone else .


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Steady on DD67 I've got a rescue lurcher and he hates them with a passion only has to hear them talk and he's ready to return what ever they did to him as a pup. Don't know what they did to him, but must have been bad he's 8 now, we got hin when he was 11months he's never forgot what ever it was. He's daft as a brush with everyone else .
They tend to treat their horses really well. Unfortunately the same doesn't go for their dogs Steve 😔
Probably because unlike most people, they see £'s not horses.
Sorry to hear about your Lurcher ☹

Steve 998cc

Legendary Knight
He's a great dog now but took me about 6 months to get his trust He's very loyal and protective of our family. I used to be a volunteer at a dog rescue centre we had some come to us in a dreadful 2 were just thrown over the 2mtr metal spiked fence barely able to walk. The weird thing is no matter how they were when they came in most were rehomed with families and made loving family pets, we never had any returned to the rescue centre while I was there.


Legendary Knight
You know I have thought of preparing 'booby traps' for bike, car and shed contents thieves over the years but the thing that has always stopped me is that wee voice in my head that warns me that I will, almost inevitably, fall victim to my own traps when I'm in a hurry or simply being absent minded.

I seem to remember one such booby trap years ago which involved blank shotgun cartridges, firing pins and a trip wire but I think that some old fella who rigged one up died of a heart attack when he forgot all about it and tripped it himself.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I seem to remember one such booby trap years ago which involved blank shotgun cartridges, firing pins and a trip wire but I think that some old fella who rigged one up died of a heart attack when he forgot all about it and tripped it himself.
Someone I know had one of those & converted it to fire live shells at ankle height.
Apparently it worked a treat.
He found bits of shredded denim, lots of blood & tiny bone fragments on the adjacent wall.
His garage had been broken in to several times prior to that.
But spookily enough, it was never broken in to again! 🤔
That was many years ago though. Nowadays the "victim" would go crying to Plod! 😏

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
A mains powered electric fence box fitted inside a steel shed with power cable dug in and under will provide ’fun’ for curious visitors unable to work out how to disconnect or disable the thing.…. Or how scared of the shock they ought to be. Put the warning tag on the key ring to remind you to switch off! You just need to insulate the base of the shed so anyone touching it earths the thing out.

Ditto anyone peeing on it. 😝

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Anyway, did nothing with my bike apart from riding it to ‘help a lad build a house’. The materials lifter failed to arrive on time so I spent the day mixing and pouring, tamping, screeding uneven floors. I am futterly ucked and fighting cramp. The only consolation is the 35 yr old looked even more wrecked!


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Anyway, did nothing with my bike apart from riding it to ‘help a lad build a house’. The materials lifter failed to arrive on time so I spent the day mixing and pouring, tamping,
Only done that once & it was hard going.
We had the concrete delivered ready mixed but they screwed up the delivery amount!
Consequently we had to work like crazy to mix approx 12 more loads in a cement mixer to top up the hole it was going into!
It worked out well in the end though 🙂


Legendary Knight
Hey up @Ron my old China.. How do you go from scarlett to a Kawasaki Vulcan..completely different ride I would have thought with a totally different approach to how you ride it..
Hey Duck. It is a totally different ride and a whole lot easier on my back.
It is taking a little getting used to as I keep looking for my pegs in the wrong area. But the vulcan is coming along just fine

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Only done that once & it was hard going.
We had the concrete delivered ready mixed but they screwed up the delivery amount!
Consequently we had to work like crazy to mix approx 12 more loads in a cement mixer to top up the hole it was going into!
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View attachment 8958
It worked out well in the end though 🙂
View attachment 8960
Had a similar experience pouring foundations for this 🙄 house on 20 Dec 2004. I had ordered 9 trucks and the 2nd arrival said, “I’m the last.”
“Ya what?!”
“Aye the Christmas Party has kicked off early. The plant is closing til 4th January.”

The significance of this was that I had open trenches in a stepped foundation and the certainty of rain in the intervening period. So, instead of pouring downhill and using uphill material to shift the lower stuff, pouring where needed, I had a manic time spreading a 500mm pour UPHILL everywhere to about 100mm to protect the hard base of the trench and create a horizontal cold join rather than a weak vertical one.

And THAT’S why I would have made my excuses if I had known what he’d planned if the crane was late!

He asked about the rest of the floor slab. I said “Get a concrete pump and some self levelling mix. I’m getting too old for this shit. I’ll spectate!” You have to have done it to understand the mix of effort against a ticking clock……

And Jan 2005 was a joy with the weather window lost and, and, and…..